New Residential School educational resources available

To order a copy of 'Little Butterfly Girl' in Anishinaabemowin, French or English, please call 705.497.9127 ext 2230
To order a copy of ‘Little Butterfly Girl’ in Anishinaabemowin, French or English, please call 705.497.9127 ext 2230

As part of the “Honouring Our Children, Families and Communities affected by Indian Residential Schools” project, many resources were developed with funding from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
A narrative picture book called “Little Butterfly Girl:  An Indian Residential School Story” is available in English, Anishinabemowin and French that discusses the experience of a little girl who attended  residential school.
There are three separate booklets that discuss intergenerational trauma, the history of residential schools and community wellness as well as a  website launched to provide an alternative access to information on the project and its educational materials.
DVDs created include interviews with survivors, mental health professionals, Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee and Deputy Grand Council Chief Glen Hare discussing their personal experiences and or perspectives on the school.
Various posters displaying artwork created specifically for the project by aboriginal artist Donald Chretien, were also published.
For more information on how to obtain these resources, please contact the Union of Ontario Indians legal department 1-877-702-5200.