Letter to the editor: Harper: Get out!

mailBriefly reading the 2013 budget for the first time, I would like to know how long are we as First Nations people going to let this Stephen Harper sell us out, our land and natural resources?

We have seen a few of his secret, behind-closed-door deals. Brian Mulroney, Harper, they have all been at Bilderberg meetings — 120 of the most powerful in business, banking, heads of state, politics in general, from across the globe conduct a secret weekend conference annually and basically decide who is who and when they are going to take over North America.

This group is corrupt but above the law. We need to get the government out and take back what is inherently ours. We are to protect this land but once Harper sells us out totally our Treaties will be worth nothing. That is another reason why he will not abolish the Indian Act. Out with the Canadian Government–enough is enough. We deserve better than this.

Joanne Hardy

Robinson-Superior 1850