Native Nation Youth Council meet in Serpent River

Serpent River youthSERPENT RIVER FN – A group of First Nation youth met to discuss a number of important issues on the weekend.

The vision of this Native Nation Youth Council meeting came from the youth and focused on defending Mother Earth as well as their rights and responsibilities.

Coordinator of the event, Candace Day-Neveau said that it’s about re-establishing a relationship with Mother Earth.

“Acknowledging the land and realizing that we have to give back, is really important for our future,” says Day-Neveau.

The weekend – which saw youth sleeping under the stars and spending much of their time on the land – included presenters that focused on Anishinabek traditions and culture.

The youth also participated in a discussion on watershed issues and conservation.

“Education is our tool,” says Day-Neveau.  “The youth aren’t going to know if they are not provided the information.   These presenters helped spark the youth with their own ideas and information about what is at stake.  They came here on a volunteer basis, without honourarium, thinking with their hearts to help our youth.”

The youth council includes a growing number of young people from across the North Shore region of Lake Huron.  For more information contact Candace Day-Neveau 705-297-1376.