Land use important to our self-determination
By Rick Garrick Lake Helen’s John Carlson is conducting a traditional land use study on hunting, trapping, fishing and gathering activities in his Robinson Superior...
What’s ‘duty to consult’ all about?
By Joey Krackle Note: This summary is based on Dwight Newman’s paper: The Rule and Role of Law: The Duty to Consult Aboriginal Communities, and...
Stolen sisters – silent screams? Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women: The story continues
By Beverly Sabourin and Peter Globensky A good friend of ours responded to our last article on Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women – The...
Zero tolerance on racism
By Albert Dumont An incident occurred recently which left me feeling sick at heart. I was at an event, there to offer words of encouragement...
Remember who you are and where you came from
By Christine Smith (McFarlane) THUNDER BAY – Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, citizen of the Chippewa of Georgina Island First Nation and says “I have some Mohawk...
‘Celia’s Song’ brings colonialism to life
Reviewed by Christine Smith McFarlane Celia’s Song is a complex but richly woven story that involves a Mink who is a shape shifter and serves...
‘Huron Carol’ Canada’s first Christmas song
By Laurie Leclair In 1743, a 36-year old priest named Pierre-Phillip Potier came to the mission of Lorette to learn the Huron language. The following...
Dibaajmowin – Nimosh niin
Success is living each day to the fullest and seizing opportunities
By Daniel Mendoza CURVE LAKE FIRST NATION – Chochi Knott grew up off-reserve and has now made an effort as an adult to get back...
Pic Mobert connects Constitution Development to economic and community success
By Faye Sabourin THUNDER BAY – Citizens of Pic Mobert First Nation living off-reserve met with Chief and Council in Sault Ste. Marie on December...
Ahaw, Anishinaabem – Ok, Speak Ojibwe
By Sharon Weatherall Aaniin niijkiwe (Hello friend) ..Gdi Anishinaabem na (Do you speak Ojibwe)? Beausoleil First Nation teacher B. Jeff Monague (Myiingan) has written a...
Lafleur first Aboriginal PhD for Brock University
By Esther Lafleur Gilbank Please join me in congratulating my sister Gail Lafleur. We are daughters of Evelyn Goulais Lafleur of Nipissing First Nation. Gail...
Ontario student wins Forest Products Skills Award for aboriginal youth
WINNIPEG – The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) has awarded the third annual Skills Award for Aboriginal Youth to Shownoo Blackbird-Williams from Walpole Island...
It’s time for change!
By Robert Wells It’s time . . . for all Canadians to know and to live in the truth of our history. It’s time ....
Cheechoo’s latest album ‘Stay’ available to download
THUNDER BAY – Thelma Cheechoo’s latest album “Stay” is available on iTunes, CD baby and Amazon with the physical CD being available in February 2015....