FASD team studies case management

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By Chochi Knott

PETERBOROUGH – The Union of Ontario Indians Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) program participated in FASD Case Management Training over the past fiscal year.

The Peterborough FASD Committee developed a proposal to coordinate, deliver, and evaluate an integrated case management and training opportunity to increase the effectiveness of programs and services. The committee was pleased to announce that the proposal met the Ontario Trillium Foundation Accelerating Social Innovation grant criteria.

All four team members attended the numerous case management training sessions which allowed shared language and understanding of the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on fetal development and the resulting disability.

They learned  how to screen, assess and manage FASD and a resource team of FASD Specialists was also established to support effective case management.

The training allowed the team to see first hand how a Case Management session would run with an FASD individual, caregiver and their supports present.  As a result of this training opportunity the FASD Program is better suited to assist  Anishinabek Nation communities with FASD and Case Management.

The program put knowledge into action at the recent “Empowering the Voices of Our Families” Conference in Sault Ste. Marie, at which training participants delivered two FASD and Case Management workshops.

Please contact the FASD Program for inquiries into services, resources, and bookings available in your region.