Innergex renewable energy and their goal – ‘Human Aspect’ – Part 3 of 3

mailIn today’s society, politicians are not listening to the people and have stripped away the municipality and citizen’s rights of what goes on in their community when it comes to Wind Turbine Companies. The government is doing unfair dealings by signing contracts that we do not want or agree to while they give these companies huge subsidies paid by the taxpayers. Since the government has given these Wind Turbine Companies “Power Over The People, Animals And The Environment”, they are running a muck and basically doing whatever they deem fit, all in the name of “Green Energy” which isn’t green at all! These corporations are convincing people that this is a good deal for all, and it is the only way to save the planet and environment for future generations. But they are destroying the very things they say that they are trying to protect.

Mr. Morin states ” The Ontario Government fast-tracks wind farm applications if they have First Nation partners.” These companies “corporations” will find any loop hole to side-step proper channels to make a quick buck for the stockholders and stakeholders who remain invisible and untouchable because they are hidden behind a “Corporate Name”. The only ones that will be held accountable are the ones that signed on with the corporation as their names will be on the documents. In the end when this “Big Lie” of “Green Energy” and “Climate Change” fails, the ones that signed on or receive monies will be blamed for the folly. The ones hiding behind a “Corporate Name” will be untouchable. The Government, will also not be held accountable because they say that “It is what the people wanted”.

Crown lands are the last refuge and sanctuary that everyone can share and enjoy for recreational purposes such as: camping, hiking, biking boating, fishing, hunting, skiing and snowmobiling to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy nature in its natural habitat. When will people understand that to rape, pillage and destroy all these lands is insanity?  How are people to survive if these wind turbine company’s gobble up and destroy an insurmountable amount of aggregate, drinking water, farmlands used for crops and livestock, and the forests and plants that we need to produce the very air that we breathe? The destruction from wind turbines is greatly affecting the whole Eco-system by killing off an incalculable amount of insects, bugs, aquatic mammals, birds, bats, fish and animals.

“Global Warming or Climate Change” is a scare tactic that the government and companies use to take your hard earned dollars for something that is not true. Everyone jumped on the band wagon of wind turbines without really looking into it and it’s affects on the people and the environment. There are no scientific facts to prove that Global Warming, or Climate Change is happening. But climate change may happen with all the destruction they are doing.

Sherri Lange of NA-PAW points out “wind does nothing at all to abate climate change or reduce CO2 levels. It is possibly the largest scale environmental and economic fraud ever perpetuated.” As the great physicist Richard Feynman said, “For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.” Everyone wants to go Green, but wind turbines is not the answer as they are not green at all but destroy the environment at an alarming rate. (IWT.s) are actually killing off the very things they were designed to preserve,”the environment, humans and wildlife”. (IWT’s) are not environmental friendly at all and produce very little energy.

Wind Turbine energy company’s supplied just 4.4% of United States electricity in 2014, and over the last 35 years they have received $30 billion in federal subsidies and grants, which some are calling (corporate welfare). Most of this money is given to foreign companies while the money comes from unwilling hosts, the consumers, rate payer or tax payer. You ask how this has any bearing on you?

Well this is the same thing that is happening in Canada. Our government is making the same mistakes other countries are doing, and it’s going to cost us Canadians a lot more than just money. It will cost us dearly in resources. As it is, Ontario does not need (IWT’s). There is already a surplus of electricity that they have to sell off to the States and Quebec at a loss to the taxpayers. It costs the tax payers over a billion dollars a year because of this surplus, and now they want to add to that by erecting these monstrosities. It is estimated that the cost you will pay as a ratepayer will increase everyone’s bill by about 42 % over the next few years.

Wind turbines are not a viable source of energy. “No Wind No Power.” Also they take from the power grid when there is no wind as they have to keep turning so that ice does not build up on them causing ice throws or imbalances, or to avoid having to reboot them. When wind turbines are producing power they have to shut down other sources like run of the river – dams, (ROR), (Nuclear), (Gas) and (Coal). The restarting of these much needed reliable sources uses a lot more power to reboot, therefore they emit more dangerous gasses than if they were running all the time. Wind turbines are not just polluting more by shutdowns and startups, but are also polluting on a grand scale with their construction. Wind turbines will never replace our existing sources of energy because they produce very little electricity at a much higher cost when they produce any at all. If you would like to know more about this, please check out Wind Concerns Ontario @ , or Contact Vic Fedeli Nipissing MPP.

According to Brady Yauch, Special to Financial Post | February 4, 2015

“Since 2006, when the province first started subsidizing wind turbines, the province has provided more than $1.92 billion in subsidies. This act of corporate welfare is far from over. According to the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) – the provincial agency in charge of energy planning and contracting – the province has signed deals for another 2,630 MW of wind energy to come on stream in the coming years, on top of the 3,065 MW already in commercial operation. All of that generation will receive above market rates courtesy of ratepayers for their output. In total, the amount of subsidies to wind producers could hit $8-billion over the next decade and $13-billion over the next 20 years.” This cost for just under 5% of energy supplied to consumers is unbelievable.

Since the building of these Wind turbines, there has been great controversy that will not end any time soon. With “Green Energy”, what people fail to realize is that there are no winners unless you are a stock holder or a builder of these turbines. Everyone else is going broke or losing their jobs because businesses are moving out of Ontario, people are getting sick and some are losing their lives. Land owners are drawn to dealings with wind turbine companies because they believe that leasing their land is more profitable than growing crops until they find out the real cost. They have no more rights to their land for the next 20 years, the health of their family and animals are at risk, and their crop land has been destroyed by the construction. Long time friends and neighbors stop talking to proponents, tenants, renters, and even home owners leave because of the damage caused by wind turbines.

People are pitted against each other resulting in name calling such as; Greeny and Nimby. This mud slinging is one thing that shows both sides of how neighbors are not understanding the other’s needs. Neither can agree if one, or the other is encroaching on the others rights. Because they both believe that they are doing what is right. One is for doing his/her part to stop climate change while making a profit, and the other is for living a healthy stress free life from encroachment upon their property rights or the rights of their family and animals from noise pollution, stress and sickness that wind turbines cause. An example of this is when the proponent sets the (IWT’s) at the farthest reaches of his land “away from himself” but closer to his neighbor’s property line making his neighbors land unusable in that area because of “Safe Zones”. This encroachment is disrespectful to the other’s rights. In cases such as these, even family members have stopped talking to each other.

*****The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” and, “the extent to which an individual or a group is able, on the one hand, to realize aspirations and to satisfy needs, and on the other, to change or cope with the environment”.*****

Wind Turbines produce, audible and inaudible sounds. The audible sound, such as a whooshing sound, happens when the blades rotate past the base of the turbine. The inaudible sound, called infra-sound, is the sound that the turbine makes, but you can not hear. Both can have devastating effects on humans and animals. The audible sound you hear, can only be heard if you are close enough to hear it. But the inaudible sound, the one you can not hear, infra-sound, can do the real damage. This unheard, annoying sound can cause walls and windows to rattle and vibrate in your house, along with your body. It can travel though anything or around anything without losing it’s intensity and travel further than the audible sound. Some things that have an affect on how far it travels are; environmental conditions and topography. These factors can dampen or amplify both the audible and inaudible sound.

There are other problems with Wind Turbines aside from the noise they produce. They also cause shadow flicker during the day and also at night. These monstrous towers have to be lit up to ward off planes so our once darkened sky is now filled with red and white strobe lights which is a serious nuisance to people who live near them as it keeps people up at night. It is also said that the red lights on these turbines attract birds migrating at night.

“According to Pierpont, turbine noise and vibrations disrupt the inner ear system, which may lead to nervousness, nausea, tachycardia (increased heart rate) and sleep disturbance.” Pierpont also said “Low-frequency sounds from turbines can throw off a person’s sense of balance and cause unconscious reactions similar to car sickness. Sleep can also be disrupted. She said the feeling is similar to when people awake in fear, with a jolt and a racing heart.”

It is said that sleep deprivation from the noise and vibration wind turbines produce can accelerate health problems such as fibromyalgia, diabetes and it’s complications, heart and stroke and aneurysm because of high blood pressure. Along with these, there are  a wide variety of other health problems that can occur because of sleep patterns being disturbed. It is a well known fact that lack of sleep effects our whole body. It affects our physical and mental well being, and how we act and react to our surroundings. Being sleep deprived numbs our cognitive thought patterns, and that is why they used “sleep deprivation” in interrogation tactics.

Disrupted sleep, strobe-like flashes from whirling blades in sunlight — “shadow flicker”, sound and infrasound stray voltage — are believed to be the cause for everything from vertigo to migraine headaches. “Wind Turbine Syndrome” (WTS), symptoms start when local turbines go into operation. They abate when the turbines are off or when the person is out of the area where the turbines are, unless the damage done is irreversible. There are a lot of people who state that they suffer from (WTS), but skeptics say that there is no such thing. Doctors are doing their best to treat people with (WTS), but the best cure is not to live near turbines or to stop them from being built. Some of the symptoms that have been reported are sleep disruptions such as frequent awakening, tiredness, exhaustion, poor concentration and learning, irritability, annoyance hearing problems and side effects like ringing in the ears (tinnitus), unsteadiness, dizziness, nausea, seasickness, imbalance, and vertigo. Vascular problems such as heart attack and stroke, physical sensations of pulsation or pressure, blood pressure, heart palpitations have been reported. Some have also felt anger, grief, or a sense of injustice, stress, anxiety, depression, headaches or migraines and a sense of decreased quality of life. Even electrical shocks have been reported.

A report from a Clinical Psychologist pointed out that wind turbines can cause “extreme distress” to people with autism because they are hypersensitive to sound. Young children, especially children with learning disabilities are more susceptible to shadow flicker, audible and inaudible sounds that wind turbines produce. The inaudible sound affects them as an annoying ringing in the ears that they do not know how to deal with or explain. Studies have shown that children that are hypersensitive to sound, or visual stimuli do not do well when wind turbines are present. The noise causes stress due to auditory sensitivity, and the shadow flicker of the blades are distracting and mesmerize the child to the point where they cannot focus on the issue at hand.

If turbines are placed near schools, playgrounds or other populated areas, we may be subjecting our children to learning and developmental problems because they too will be very distracted from the noise and shadow flicker. Other physical problems such as auditory problems, tinnitus or visual problems such as vertigo can occur in the children. Another problem is vascular health problems like heart attack and stroke due to cellular destruction from infrasonic wave radiation. According to research studies it does damage on a cellular level, and Nikola Tesla, the inventor of the DC, and AC power generation and distribution system knew of this.

These Industrial Wind Turbines (IWT’s) are making people and animals sick. Animals do not lie or fake illnesses. They are actually getting sick, aborting their young, and dying. Since this is happening to animals then it is possible that these monstrosities are having the same affects on human fetuses too. Because not all animals or humans are the same, and because we all have varying health issues, some will feel the effects sooner than others. Factors that can be influential are: hearing, vision, health, age, sex and proximity to the turbines. These factors will play a major role in the development of symptoms. Just because you do not feel the affects of (WTS) right away, does not mean you are not being affected.

There are animals and humans being adversely affected at great distances under the right environmental circumstances. A recent limited study by acoustics engineer Kevin Dooley found that “the atmospheric infra sound produced by industrial wind turbines alone has been measured as far as 125km (56.81 miles) distant, albeit with reduced amplitude. Even so, his failure to measure the ground and water-transmitted infra sound ignores the likelihood that it was also measurable at that distance. Would it have been more intense? Of course, infra sound is also the measurement standard used to monitor nuclear testing and earthquakes across-the-globe because of it’s underground and underwater propagation properties.”

Here in Northern Ontario Wind turbines are not only dangerous because of the sounds and light flicker they produce, they are also dangerous because of flying debris, fires and dirty current or stray current (this is an underground current which is not seen but felt). There are also serious issues of structural damage and failures because of ice buildup from wet sticky snow or ice storms. Ice on the turbine blades can cause them to become unbalance and if they remain unbalanced, the turbine ends up being destroyed because the blades will strike the base of the turbine causing it to collapse. Other external factors such as debris from high winds, storms, micro bursts, and twisters have also been known to take down these giants. Any one of these factors can have catastrophic consequences. Even delamination or erosion due to lightning and environmental conditions will play a key role on how long these turbines last as well as the materials they are made of and the upkeep or maintenance performed on them.

There is also serious danger of fire due to internal fault of wiring, lightening or just high winds causing the braking system to malfunction, spark off and catch fire which fire fighters cannot combat due to the sheer size and height of these monstrosities. Fires almost always have to burn themselves out. It is also almost impossible to fight these fires because in a 1.5 MW turbine there is roughly 200 gallons of motor oil and at the base where the transformer is there is up to 500 more gallons of oil. The places where all of the turbines are connected to the grid (the substation transformers) can contain over 10,000 gallons of oil each. Fires from wind turbines can easily get out of control due to the fact that there is so much oil at its disposal and would not be easily put out. It can also spread rapidly as there is most likely no one in the area to fight the fire with the placing of the Industrial Wind Turbines beyond city limits. who will be responsible to combat these fires? Who will be held accountable for the loss of homes, the forests, and wildlife? But most importantly who will be held accountable or responsible for the destruction or loss of human life or personal property?

Another thing to consider is how many accidents happen during construction of these wind turbines; how many deaths occur? Below are some statistics.


All living creatures on this planet need to coexist with one another. Humans and animals alike right down to the smallest of bugs and insects which pollinate our plants. Without an abundance of land for farming food and crops for human and animal consumption, what will we have to feed ourselves or our animals? Without forests for plants and animals to flourish untouched, our quality of life may soon dwindle. We depend on wildlife just as much as they depend on us.

We are just stewards of the land and are only here for a short time. We are to take care of mother earth and all the flora and fauna that live herein. We are supposed to live as one with nature and not bring it to the brink of destruction. Wind turbines will put it all in peril. Not only humans but all wildlife, aggregate, water, trees and plant life. The price of electricity may even drive people to the point of heat or eat with soaring prices. No good can come of these machines as they will not save the planet from “global warming or climate change” but slowly destroy it one turbine at a time.

Val – Broken Arrow, Diana – Singing Bear,  & Pam – Puddle Duck