Run Against Line 9

A “Go Fund Me” account has been started to help in the court case. Chippewas of the Thames First Nation seeks leave from the Supreme Court to appeal a decision of the Federal Court of Appeal which upheld a National Energy Board decision granting Enbridge Pipeline Inc.’s (“Enbridge”) authorization to reverse a section of pipeline between North Westover, Ontario and Montreal, Quebec, to expand the annual capacity of Line 9 from Sarnia, Ontario to Montreal from 240,000 bpd to 300,000 bpd, and to allow heavy crude, containing diluted bitumen to be shipped on Line 9.
Chippewas of the Thames First Nation appeared before the National Energy Board and provided evidence of its existing Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in the vicinity of the pipeline project and potential risks associated with the new activity requested by Enbridge.
The duty to consult with First Nations people and accommodate their interests is a constitutional duty invoking honour of the Crown, which requires that the Crown act with good faith to provide meaningful consultation appropriate to the circumstances and must be upheld.
“We, the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation appreciate all that Rachel is doing to help support our cause. She has shown determination and dedication not just towards our case but shows such passion towards the environment. In our Indigenous beliefs, all decisions are based on the next seven generations therefore we must look at the potential hazards or threat towards our water, ” says Chief Leslee White-Eye
Map of route.
For more information please contact Chief Leslee White-eye at (519) 289 – 5555