UOI Launches Mental Health & Addictions Analysis

MentalHealthAddicationsAnalysisThe Union of Ontario Indians Health Secretariat is undertaking an analysis of current mental health & addiction (MH/A) services across Anishinabek Nation communities. This analysis will include the identification of services and system gaps, current best practices, existing service linkages, cultural appropriateness of services, and key MH/A issues from the client, community, staff and health care provider perspective.

In collaboration with community workers, members, clients, and MH/A providers, the overall goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive assessment of the key components necessary for creating and implementing a Mental Health/Addictions continuum of care that meets the needs of clients, family members, communities, community-based Mental Health/Addictions workers and health care providers across the Nation.

In order to accurately assess current gaps and issues and to build upon these to envision the key components of a comprehensive MH/A services continuum, the UOI are inviting community-based staff (MH/A, health promotion, wellness, and related services) to get involved and help inform this project.

We are launching a Community of Practice (CoP) to help gather information and guide the development of each component of the project. The CoP will act as a Steering Committee with members playing an important role in raising awareness of key MH/A needs, issues, and gaps, and collaborating in the identification of opportunities and next steps towards designing a comprehensive Anishinabek Nation MH/A continuum of care model.

Interested in being a member of the CoP? If so, please contact Linda Sullivan, Mental Health and Addictions Coordinator by end-of-day, Friday, January 29, 2016 at (705) 497-9127 ext. 2320, Toll Free (877) 702-5200 or via email at linda.sullivan@anishinabek.ca .