Long Lake #58 First Nation approves its Land Code through vote

This has been a long process which began in the late 1980’s and resulted with the Framework Agreement and the First Nations Land Management Act, with 14 original signatory First Nations. Since the Framework Agreement was opened to other First Nations, there are now 125 First Nations including Long Lake #58 First Nation, who became a signatory on March 3, 2014. Through this government to government initiative, Long Lake #58 First Nation developed our own land management law, the Long Lake #58 First Nation Land Code.
Long Lake #58 First Nation is a place of breathtaking beauty nestled between lakes and dense forests along the northeast shore of Long Lake and Highway 11 with approximately 1400 members. Our heritage, culture and spirit are imprinted here in these natural settings. While holding onto our history and traditional ways of life, it is our responsibility today to create a better quality of life for those who follow, and that has become our number one priority.
Control over Long Lake #58 First Nation Land and resources will be transferred from Canada under the Indian Act, to Long Lake #58 First Nation under our Land Code. The Long Lake #58 First Nation Land Code was drafted by the membership at a grassroots level and includes the description of reserve lands and how new lands can be added, general rules and procedures for the use and occupation of these lands by members and others, financial accountability for revenues and expenditures, the making and publishing of land laws, stringent conflict of interest rules, a process to develop rules and procedures applicable to land on the breakdown of a marriage, a dispute resolution process, procedures by which Long Lake #58 First Nation can grant interests in land or acquire lands for community purposes, the delegation of land management responsibilities, and any other matter respecting the management of Long Lake #58 First Nation Land.
It is one of the most significant historical events to take place at Long Lake #58 First Nation. Land management will now reflect the unique needs and traditions of the community, provide sound environmental protection for our reserve Land and resources, and accelerate progress in generating sustainable economic development opportunities. We are a progressive and proud people, striving for self-sufficiency through education, economic development, social development and participation in the regional economy while managing our rightful lands and resources. For more information please visit: www.longlake58fn.ca