Lance Copegog calls for Senator Beyak’s resignation

The Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council in the House of Commons with M.P. Bruce Stanton
(Simcoe-North), Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees of the Whole, and others.
Front Row: Youth Councillor Sasha Sylvester, Cynthia King
Back Row: Youth Councillor Robin Louttit, Youth Chief Terra Roy, M.P. Bruce Stanton, Youth Councillor Avery Sandy, Melodie Monague, Deputy Youth Chief Lance Copegog

CHRISTIAN ISLAND (JANUARY 15TH, 2018): Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council (BFNYC) Deputy Youth Chief and Indigenous youth advocate Lance Copegog has released the following statement on Senator Lynn Beyak and endorses the Nishnawbe Aski Nation’s “Beyak Resign” campaign:

“In recent months, Senator Lynn Beyak has engaged in conduct that is detrimental to the advancement of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in Canada. Both Indigenous people and non-Indigenous Canadians are engaged in a process of acknowledgement, healing, and truth telling. This process of healing and truth telling is necessary, post Truth and Reconciliation Commission.”

“Senator Beyak’s repeated defence of the Indian residential school system is an insult to the survivors of that system and their descendants. Studies have shown that the Indian residential school system has contributed to the intergenerational trauma that affects First Nations communities today. Her comments illustrate her ill-informed views of the impact that Canada’s attempts at assimilating Indigenous people have had.”

“As an Indigenous youth, I am dismayed that Senator Beyak continues to speak to the apparent good of the Indian residential school system. In order to further advance her lies, Senator Beyak published “letters of support” for her comments to her official Senate website. Many of these letters contained falsehoods about Indigenous people and pushed ignorant, fringe opinions that border on racist. Fewer than 10 of the 100 letters posted contained “personal experiences” by Indigenous people in the Indian residential school system.”

“In 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper acknowledged the harm done by the Indian residential school system. The primary objectives of the Indian Residential School system were to remove and isolate children from the influence of their homes, families, traditions and cultures, and to assimilate them into the dominant culture: to “kill the Indian in the child.” Furthermore, Mr. Harper acknowledged that “there is no place in Canada for the attitudes that inspired the Indian Residential Schools system to ever prevail again.”

“I am dismayed and saddened that Senator Beyak continues to have a platform to spread her hate and will continue to have a seat in the Senate of Canada.”

“Senator Beyak has proven that she has no use to Canadians as a member of the Senate. The correct course of action to take now is for her to resign immediately and apologize to the families of the Indian residential school system and their descendants.”

“I join the Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Grand Council Treaty #3, and countless others in calling for her resignation.”


The Beausoleil First Nation Youth Council represents the youth of the First Nation, advocates on their behalf, and creates a vision for the future.