Enjoying Family Day out on the ice

Kiah Trudeau and Ava Bennett with a younger sibling in tow.

By Leslie Knibbs

SAGAMOK ANISHNAWBEK  – Family Day in Sagamok Anishnawabek saw many families taking part in the annual ice fishing derby on Big Lake LaCloche, and guess what?  There wasn’t a smart phone, tablet or any other electronic device in sight.

Families were spending time together interacting, talking, laughing and just plain having solid outdoor fun.  It was a clear day on the big lake, totally refreshing with perfect weather for open-air activities like ice fishing, but also absolutely uplifting to see dozens of adults, teens and children not glued to a tablet or smart phone.  “I would suspect it [screen time] is furthest from their minds on a day like this with weather like this,” said Angus Toulouse, a community member attending the event.

Recent studies by the American Pediatrics Association claim “cutting down on screen time can have a positive effect on kids’ physical, social and behavioral well-being, and can even improve their academic performance.”  Douglas Gentile, PhD, a professor at Iowa State University is a leading authority on how media or screen time can affect children and adults.  A study led by Gentile suggested less screen time leads to improved sleep, decreased body mass index, and better grades, as well as less aggressive behavior.  Knowing this makes it a safe bet the kids and parents who took part in the annual Family Day ice fishing derby not only had a ton of fun, but also are better off health wise because of it.

Sagamok as a community is proactive in encouraging both youth and adults to take part in outdoor activities.  On Sunday, February 25 the winter edition of ‘Movers N Shakers’ Youth group will be hosting ATV rides, snowshoeing as well as ice fishing and Lacrosse with Mekwan Tulpin.  Lelan MacLeod of Gen 7 will teach the skill of building a snow shelter.  This event is open to all youths aged 12 and up.  It’s safe to say you won’t find any tablets at this exciting outdoor event in Sagamok.

Sagamok families have enjoyed a day of ice fishing and a hot lunch on Big Lake LaCloche to celebrate Family Day for 10 years now.  This year over 80 adults and 75 children registered to catch the “big one”.  Friends and relatives joined those fishing, reveling in the warmth of spending the day with family.  A whole lot of love was in the damp air.  Smiling adults and children made their way out on the ice.  Dozens of snowmobiles and ATVs along with a few pick-up trucks went back and forth between their fishing holes and the weigh in station manned by Gary Toulouse along with Kayla Abitong.

Catches of the day included a five-pound 13-ounce Pike caught by Mike Toulouse.  Merle Abitong, an avid fisherman managed to reel in a five-pound three-ounce Walleye.  Neil Toulouse managed to catch another Walleye weighing four pounds eight ounces.

Not a person on the lake didn’t at one point make their way to the food tent to enjoy hot hamburgs, hotdogs, chili and homemade chicken soup.  Shuttles of snowmobiles carried food and refreshment to family members out on the ice.  Sagamok Fire Chief Bruce Southwind had a steady line of hungry fisher people throughout the day.  Volunteers for the event come from different departments in Sagamok, rotating each year according to Gary Toulouse.

A mother in one family was leaving the food tent to make her way back to their fishing hole with hot food when she shouted to her teenage daughter steps ahead of her, “Hey did you get anything for Dad?”  The daughter turned quickly recognizing her mom’s voice and held up a large cup of the chicken soup, “I got him a soup.”  “Better get him a hamburger.”  The mom nodded and went back into the tent, came out a minute or two later with a very large hamburger for Dad.  Now that’s family.

There were many poignantly sweet moments all day long between family members, fleeting moments, memories for those families participating and glimpses of love of family in the heart of Sagamok.  Call events like this unintentional and unplanned screen-free zones.  Out of doors activities like this taking place in Sagamok encourage children and teens as well as adults to entertain themselves or relax without the use of electronic media.  And that’s a good thing for families everywhere.  The Family Day fishing derby was sponsored entirely by Sagamok Chief and council.