Happiness, integrity and pride at 38th annual Sagamok Family Hockey Tournament

By Leslie Knibbs
SAGAMOK ANISHNAWBEK FIRST NATION—Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation celebrated 38 years of family hockey competition on March 8 this year—call this a family tradition.
Eight family teams took part in the annual Sagamok Family Hockey Tournament held at the Massey Arena this year with the Stoneypoint family hosting the games.
“Sagamok Family Hockey is a long-time running tradition that is held within our community every year,” said Tracey Stoneypoint, a citizen of the host community, following the tournament. “The tradition of this tournament has been a very exciting time for our community; it’s a time when all families unite together to come play the game that they love—hockey.”
Stoneypoint’s family team beat out the Abitong team, taking home the ‘C’ Championship trophy.
“I grew up going to these tournaments to cheer on my family team with pride and excitement in hopes of taking that ‘big trophy’ and bearing the name of Sagamok’s Family Hockey tournament Champions,” added Stoneypoint.
This year, this Sagamok hockey fan’s hopes and wishes came true with her family winning their series and taking home the ‘big trophy’.
Dozens of families attended the tournament cheering on their family teams. And it wasn’t all about winning a trophy either, it was more than that.
“As the years passed and I got older, I now realize the importance of this tournament is for families to go on out there and have fun. I look forward to this tournament every year because you can see the happiness, the integrity, and the pride in family teams that participate in this annual tradition. It gives a great sense of a community tradition,” added Stoneypoint.
The Naskawa team took the trophy for the ‘A’ series championship beating out a fierce competitor, the Bennetts’.
The ‘B’ champs were the Toulouse family team outmatching the Corbieres while the Stoneypoints took home the ‘C’ championship trophy defeating the Abitongs, a well-known hockey family with Ben Abitong, a local legend performing with skill and finesse.
In the ‘D’ championship, the Makadabins placed first with the Bobs taking the runner up prize.
All funds raised from admission to the tournament went to the community’s teams which competed at the LNHL tournament this year.