Anishinaabe Governance means living by Anishinaabe Law

By Mary Laronde
Anishinabek have a system of governance that has served us well for thousands upon thousands of years. We have an all-encompassing, sophisticated system of laws that define Anishinaabek and a way of life that is as relevant today as in the past.
Anishinaabe Law was given to us by the Creator.
Ngo Dwe Waangizid Anishinaabe was given to us by our Elders. It is about Anishinaabe worldview and Anishinaabe principles. It is about governing ourselves on our own terms.
Governance means the systems and processes we use to make laws and decisions about how we will live and what we will leave for our future generations.
As Anishinaabek, we have responsibilities and we have principles to live by. We have a system of governance and a decision-making process that works for us. We have everything we need to live a good life (mino bimaadiziwin).
How we govern ourselves is about being a good descendant and a good ancestor. What will we leave for our grandchildren?
Who is an Anishinabek First Nation citizen — E’debendaagzijig (those who belong)?
How do we think, speak, and act? This is inherent in Anishinaabemowin and our culture.
How do we govern ourselves to honour Anishinaabe Law and principles? It is our inherent right to live by our own Anishinaabe laws that are our strength, identity and hope for the future.
Anishinaabe Law is our sovereignty, our identity and our path: To Live a Good Life. Gwekwaadziwin. That is in the North.
Ngo Dwe Waangizid Anishinaabe is Anishinaabe Law and tells us that:
Creator placed Anishinaabe on the earth along with the gift of spirituality.
Here on Mother Earth, there were gifts given to the Anishinaabe to look after, fire, water, earth and wind.
The Creator also gave Anishinaabe seven gifts to guide them. They are: Love, Truth, Respect, Wisdom, Humility, To Live a Good Life, and Bravery.
Creator gave us sovereignty to govern ourselves.
We respect and honour the past, present and future.