Book Review: This is Indian Land

By Karl Hele Drawing inspiration and its title from Garden River’s CP Rail Bridge with its message “THIS IS INDIAN LAND”, the book seeks to...

Book Review: Price Paid

Submitted by Karl Hele Bev Sellars brings us another marvelous book drawing on her and her people’s experiences with Indian policy since the beginning. While...

Standing Rock spiritual leader in Toronto

By Barb Nahwegahbow TORONTO—The 19th generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, headlined a fundraising event for Standing Rock...


Ta-gwa-gohn A-ni-ta-gwa-gohn. A-zha-a-ni-ta-kaa-yaa. Bin-nay-sheens-ug i-zhi-say-wug sha-won-nong. Shee-shee-bug a-zha-maa-chee-say-wug. Ni-kug pih-mi-say-wug ka-i-zhi-gee-shi-tayg. Way-wayg kay-ween-a-waa i-zhi-say-wug sha-won-nong. Maan-goog kay-ween-a-waa ta-noo-ji-ji-gay-wug sha-won-nong. Keen-na-wind tush kaa-mush-ka-waa-koh-ji-min ki-bay-bi-boon o-maa. Mi-ti-goog...