Lots of miigwech’s to all contributors to Anishinaabemowin-Teg

By Martina Osawamick
Aanii! Miishigo zhiseg wii-maawnjidiyiing!
Anishinaabemowin-Teg enchiiyaang gmiigwechwi’aanaa Wikwemikoong bemaadzijig sa gii bi naadimaagewad maanda gii-mi wiikgchitooyaang zhoonyaa gii-mi “bingoyaang oodi 2012.” Miigwech Gimaa! Gii-gooninwag Wikwemikong wii-naadimoowaad Gordie Odjig wii bi mzinaatesjiged miinwaa sa nongwaa 2013.
Maanda sa zhoonyaa gaa shkitooyaang ndi-nkaasnan wii bgogeyaang noondesseg Ekinoomaagaasjig “scholarship” zhoonyaa waa miinaayaang sa pii Ateg Maawnjidwin 2013 temgak shkwaaksod. Nmiigwechwiyaanaa kina E-zhi-ngodwe’aangizid sa gewiinwaa gii -bgidnigewaad sa jig a bi zaagaa’aajing.
Miigwech ndi-naak “Anishinabek News” mzinigan miinwaa gewe ga wiinmaagewaad ge-wiinwaa endaadwaad mzinigaansing wii-temgak maandaa sa Ateg Maawnjidiwin 2013.
Kina gwaya sa gaa-bibgetnigejig zhaashi, Miigwech gdi-nim; Delta hotel, Baawting ON. Ezhi niizhwaad Wal Mart’s Ontario miinwa Gchi-mookmaankiing, miinwaa Kewadin Casino gewii saGii-bigetnigewaad nooj go miigweyaansan.
Miigwech sa kina waa bi daawejig ndisgchinegiwan. Miigwech sa pane bi zhaayeg.
Miinwaa sa kina ga bi niindaawe’aad sa Maawjiwin mziniganing “Ads”:
• Ontario Native Education Counselling
• Lakehead University
• Shkagmik Kwe Health Centre
• Laurentian University
• Ziibiwing Community Centre
• Fond da Lac Reservation Business Committee
• Four Colours Production
Miinwaa go gewiinwaa ga bgidnigejig zhoonyaa; Union of Ontario Indians, Baawting Community Association, Lakehead University, Aaron Payment, nswaak shi nanmidna sa doopwin bezhig mdaaswi wii nmaadbiwaad waa wiisnijig ebikidajig.
Niin ngii-zhibiiyaan maanda Martina Osawamick
The 19th annual Anishinaabemowin-Teg conference brought together Sault Ste Marie Tribal people, First Nations leaders, Elders, Educators, professionals, education language teachers, and youth. The theme of this year’s conference was Zaagtoodaa Tikamseying Neyaab “Let’s love Our Crossing In Honour of Our Leader Tecumseh”. It’s truly the largest language conference ever in North America.
The conference began first thing in the early morning in the traditional way of our people with a sunrise/pipe ceremony with all Eagle Staffs present.
The opening blessing was given by Ateg Elder senate Rose Marie Trudeau. Welcoming speech was given b y Garden River Chief Lyle Sayers, who gave his greetings to all. AFN National Chief Shawn Atleo’s letter of welcome was read by Ateg’s Management Agent Janis Fairbanks. After having technical difficulties we were only able to show the Sault Tribal chair’s welcoming remarks on a large screen. Some participants spoke about why they came to the conference and Ron Yellowman gave a brief history on Tecumseh.
An informative keynote on Tecumseh and the War of 1812 was presented by historian Alan Corbiere, who also discussed the great contributions of our own Anishinaabek warriors. This is so important for all to know who our ancestors were were who fought to keep our culture and our language.
One of our highlights is always the Banquet evening. This year we had Lisa Odjig who danced behind the Ateg eagle Staff carried by Veteran Will Morin, followed by Elder Shirley Williams and Martina Osawamick. As the Honour song was sung, the Memorial Scholarship recipients proudly followed along with the Ateg Board of Directors. What a grand entrance!
The Students prepared their speeches and hearing them speak in Anishinaabemowin shows that their effort are enhancing our language. Miigwech goes to the Memorial families for the monetary donations towards the awards for the scholarship evening. Thanks to the Hand Drum and singers Ron Yellowman and Prez Altiman who did the Honour Song for the Scholarship Recipients. The blessing was given by Elder Shirley Williams. We know everyone enjoyed themselves and we encourage you to look to next year’s conference. The 2014 event will mark 20 years of Anishinaabemowin-Teg Charitable Non-Profit Organization. The theme will be Gaa bi zhi zhewebag Anishinaabemowin- Teg, Looking back the last 20 years.
The “Extravaganza” will happen at KEWADIN convention Centre at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan so mark your calendars for next March 27-30, 2014.