Overcoming the bad

By Eden Beaudin
Crime is a big problem in First Nations today. Violence is the topic of many stories you will see in the media
It is a stereotype that all Natives are considered bad and hard to trust. In the eyes of a child, we think this is normal in communities.
The tattered houses are not easy to look at. What does it mean? Is it a house or a home? Looks like they are making the most out of limited resources, making space for over-populated homes.
Alcohol and drugs take over the souls of intelligent people making them heartless zombies.
This hides the accomplishments of many of us who have succeeded. Not all aboriginal people make bad choices; they live through them and succeed.
We all have a dream that we believe can be achieved; all we have to do is shine. Our culture embraces the Seven Grandfather teachings that the majority honours. There are also the rights of passage that are handed down.
These teachings help up learn about ourselves. The hardships only make us stronger, they make us believe we can do it, and pressure us into making it come true.
We can prove that natives have it, we are powerful, successful people who have talent. Make the correct decisions, take the right paths and show them who’s got it!
Remember, we are the Eighth Fire.