Fastball tournament to be biggest

By Marci Becking
CURVE LAKE FN – Organizers of the 2013 All-Ontario Native Fastball Championships say that it’s going to be the biggest to date.
“This year’s tournament committee has worked extremely hard to make the All-Ontarios a major summer event,” says Shane Taylor, Chairman of the All-Ontario Fastball Championships organizing committee. “Our community loves playing against other First Nation communities. We are hoping to have 53 teams at this year’s event, which will make it one of the biggest ever.”
Taylor says that from sponsorsWorth/Rawlings,Scotia Group and the Ontario Power Generation they are going to be able to put on a first-class event August 23-25.
Games will be played in the communities of Bridgenorth, Ennismore, Lakefield and two diamonds in Curve Lake First Nation.
There are five divisions: Scotia Group Men’s Open, Women’s Open, OPG Men’s Under 19, Men’s Masters and Women’s Masters. For more information visit