System failing, not First Nations youth

By Kelly Crawford
M’CHIGEENG FN – Federal government control of First Nation education was the topic for a teach-in hosted by Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute (KTEI).
“We have to ask ourselves are our youth really failing the system OR is the system failing our youth?” Stephanie Roy, KTEI Executive Director asked the 70 participants.
The Jan. 28 event brought together educational, political and youth perspectives about the proposed First Nation Education Act, which in the Feb. 11 federal budget was reincarnated as the First Nations Control of First Nations Education Act.
“How I see myself going into the future is with a moccasin on one foot and a sneaker on the other,” said Anishinabek Nation Youth Rep Quinn Meawasige. “ I have to find the balance to walk this road as an Anishinaabe Nini.”
Noting the cultural context of KTEI education, the Serpent River youth said: “If we had this…I would want to go to school every day!”
“Tinkering with our children? Why would we ever let them do that again?’ asked Anishinabek Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee. “ After what they have done to us in the residential schools and the Sixties Scoop… If they start messing with our children…our strongest warriors are going to rise up, our grannies, our mothers, our aunties, the real nurturers of our children, the real teachers of our children.”
All speakers were given 20 minutes to speak to the crowd. This was followed by a speaker panel allowing participants the opportunity to ask questions and make comments.
“Having gone back to work, I realize how many educated First Nations individuals we have,” commented Stanley Peltier, Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve. “I think it is about time we put our minds together.”
For more information on the FNEA Teach-In please watch the full video at