Friendship Centres drop the ‘Indian’

The name change and a new logo were put in place to celebrate the organization’s 45th year of service and to remove any colonial reference.
A media release says “The new name is consistent of who the OFIFC represents, namely its 27 member Friendship Centres and the
thousands of Aboriginal peoples living in urban centres who use and rely on Friendship Centres in Ontario. A feast and naming ceremony will be held on Friday, April 25 at the Odawa Native Friendship Centre in Ottawa.
The new logo is a contemporary treatment of several significant Aboriginal elements. It is based on a broad feather on its side that can be construed as a turtle shell.
There are 13 segments representing 13 moons and 13 inner scales of a turtle shell. It is positioned to resemble a shelter (lodge, longhouse, etc.) and provide
protection to the OFIFC and all Indigenous Friendship Centres in Ontario.