Anishinabek mourn the death of Mushkegowuk Grand Chief

TORONTO (June 10, 2014) – Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee offered condolences to friends, family, and Mushkegowuk citizens on passing of Grand Chief Dr. Stan Louttit.
“He was an articulate, passionate leader,” says Grand Chief Madahbee of the well-known long-time leader. “He was on top of all the issues. He always took a diplomatic approach and showed a quiet strength.”
Over the past 30 years, Grand Chief Louttit held many leadership positions and given many awards of distinction for his hard work, dedication and his ability to affect change for the communities that he served.
Grand Chief Stan Louttit was born on his family’s traditional homelands at Lake River (100 miles north of Attawapiskat). He was raised at Lake River and Attawapiskat and is a proud member of the Fort Albany First Nation. The Grand Chief has made Moose Factory his home for the past 50 and has been made an honourary member of the Moose Cree First Nation in acknowledgement of his many contributions to the local community.
Grand Chief Louttit was serving his third consecutive four-year term as Grand Chief of the Mushkegowuk Council. This reflects not only his strong leadership abilities but also the respect of the people as the Grand Chief is elected by the citizens of the seven Mushkegowuk communities.
During the course of his career he also served a five-year term as Deputy Grand Chief of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation. The Grand Chief was presented with a Ministerial Award and the Governor General’s Medal of Bravery in recognition of his efforts during the Winisk flood of 1986. In 2011 Grand Chief Stan Louttit was awarded an Honourary Doctorate of Education by Nipissing University in recognition of his leadership and service to the Mushkegowuk Peoples and all First Nation citizens throughout Canada.