Wiky moves forward with constitution: Madahbee

“By ratifying their constitution, Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve citizens have affirmed that federal and provincial legislation is not welcomed in their territory and that only Wikwemikong knows what’s best for Wikwemikong,” says Grand Council Chief Madahbee. “Wikwemikong is creating real solutions to rejecting outside laws and regulations.”
Madahbee says that constitutions legitimize autonomy that is both contemporary and consistent with inherent rights as a nation.
“We are all too well aware that the Indian Act and other government-imposed policies have far too much leverage on First Nations,” says Madahbee. “Without economic equities we are often put in a reactionary position. The Anishinabek Nation’s Chi Naaknegwein and the newly-ratified GChi Naaknigewin will give Wikwemikong the tools to develop practical, on-the-ground solutions to being pro-active, and initiating their own laws and policies as the community sees fit.
“With community values and the aspirations of Wikwemikong citizens, the constitution will develop its own identity that is reflective of Wikwemikong’s sovereignty.”