Anishinabe Nini – Men’s Traditional Gathering scheduled for October

“The gathering is important to Anishinabek men and will have an agenda to begin clearing the path toward a stronger sense of roles and responsibilities in our families, communities and in our nation,” says Chief Day.
“In these very interesting times, we find ourselves always talking about the men getting together, but it rarely gets off the ground in a way that brings us together in this way. There was a time when Anishinabe Nini would seek wise council among one another through confederacies and traditional gatherings – these rarely occur,” says the Serpent River Chief.
He says that this gathering is a vital missing piece in the work that must be done in communities. Sons, grandsons, brothers, cousins, uncles, friends are all encouraged to participate in the following:
- Anishinabek Ceremony / Protocol Teachings
- Clan, Colours, Naming Ceremonies
- Pipe Stem Teachings / Ceremonies
- Firekeepers Roles and Responsibility – “Men’s Community Values of Provision and Protection”
- Men’s Traditional Dance – Teachings and Regalia
- Strengthening Our Relations Social Structures – “Lifting Each Other Up”
- Story-Telling – Council Fire Discussions – “Our Nation – Our People”
- Harvesting – Fish, Moose, Grouse – protocols and food preparation.
- Appearances – Elders, Women, Youth – “Our Families”: Circle Discussions
- Treaty Discussions – Land, People, Livelihood – Environment / Jurisdiction
- A Good Life – Roles, Responsibilities and Renewal of “Anishinabe Nini – Bimaadswin”
- …and more as determined by participants and final agenda.
Accommodations: As well, there are motels in the area in Elliot Lake, Blind River, Spanish, Walford and Massey. We do have access to showers and meeting facilities for various workshops and events for the gathering. Travel and motel accommodations will be participant’s responsibilities – there will be camping and limited billeting; some spaces will be made available in the community. Please call should you require billeting.
Meals: bring feast bags with plates, bowls and utensils. Costs for meals will be covered through community/participant contributions. This event is being funded through a collective effort. NOTE: All funds raised for this event will be disclosed to the group and an accounting provided. Any surplus will be discussed and options for continuing gatherings will be determined by the group.
Other Considerations: If you’re using regulated firearms for harvesting you will require firearms safety and certification. Transportation to and from designated harvesting locations will be the responsibility of each individual. The harvesting of bigger animals like deer, moose and large quantities of fish will be observed and under the discretion of Community Elders and Lands and Resource supports.
Medical: if there are any medical issues or concerns such as diabetes or other, please be prepared to provide basic information on needs and special info for your consideration during the gathering – such as diet.
Funding: will be discussed on an individual basis or group/community delegation. This information/arrangements will be discussed once you determine participation. NOTE: costs will be kept at a minimum and will be under full disclosure to the group. Only one coordination resource will be covered – all other supports will be either volunteers or paid staff of the First Nation or other community supports that attend the gathering.
Final Agenda will be made available upon confirmation. Please contact Isaac Day-Murdoch @ 705-208-0195 / or contact Chief Day at 705-261-1865 /
Gathering information will be finalized by September 26th 2014. At that time, reminders and final confirmations will be made. In the interim, we will require you to contact us to help ensure availability of your participation. Limited space is available – please contact us to make confirmation and discuss details regarding your participation.
“Our Elders talk about a time when Our Men would become strong again and Our Families would have a clear focus and strength for Our Children,” says Day. “As men, we have responsibilities that can be upheld by seeking wise council with one another and becoming unified within Our Nation – the time to advance such a gathering couldn’t be more vital.”