Nebenionquit was a tireless worker for his people: Madahbee

Veteran Daisia Nebenionquit, former Chief of Atikameksheng Anishnawbek passed into the spirit world this morning at the age of 93. He had served in World War II in active duty in France, Holland and Belgium.
Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief and long-time friend, Patrick Madahbee, says that Nebenionquit was a tireless worker for his people and a proud veteran.”He attended many pow-wows and events,” says Madahbee. “He made us all proud. This great soldier had so much dignity. He was a long-time friend who was always smiling and had a positive outlook on life. He will be missed by many.”
Nebenionquit was honoured at the 2001 Anishinabek Lifetime Achievement Awards for his contributions. He travelled to Vimy Ridge and represented Anishianbek veterans who served in many global conflicts and peacekeeping duties.
After the war, he returned to his community and married his wife Olive (nee Nootchtai) who predeceased him in 1999. Together they have seven children, 30 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren.
A former Chief in his community for 13 years, Nebenionquit continued to be involved in community issues and represented his community at various gatherings and cultural events throughout Ontario and Canada with diplomacy and respect. He was well liked by many for his humour and his kindness.