Anishinabek Nation responds to Ebola public safety concerns

UOI OFFICES – The Anishinabek Nation is committed to working with each of its member First Nations as well as Health Canada as we proactively address the issue of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) continues to spread in three West African countries, and while there have been no cases in Canada and the risk of EVD here continues to be very low, there is a possibility of a traveler from one of these three countries returning to Canada. As a result, the Canadian health care system is ensuring an appropriate level of preparedness.
A Public Health Ontario guideline updated October 20, 2014 entitled: Initial Assessment and Management of the Returning Traveler from Countries/Areas Affected by Ebola Virus Disease: Primary Care Providers is available here.
“The guideline reiterates that the risk of the Ebola Virus Disease in Ontario is very low and that routine screening for EVD is not recommended, however, clients with a recent travel history should be asked about travel to countries or areas affected by EVD,” says Jamie Restoule, Health Director at the Union of Ontario Indians. “The document outlines steps to take and appropriate personal protective equipment for various scenarios based on travel history and symptoms.”
As an essential component of routine practices/additional precautions, all staff should be familiar with appropriate hand hygiene practices and the correct methods to don and doff PPE. Videos on donning and doffing can be found at and should be reviewed on a regular basis.
Clients who have questions regarding risk of Ebola Virus Disease can be directed to Ontario’s Telehealth line at 1-866-797-0000.
If there are any questions or concerns, please contact your communicable disease nurse or contact Jamie Restoule 705-497-9127.