It’s time for change!
It’s time . . . for all Canadians to know and to live in the truth of our history.
It’s time . . . to acknowledge that the cultures of First Peoples in Canada are varied. First Nations differ in identity, governance, priority needs and outside intervention.
It’s time . . . for federal and provincial governments to put an end to ‘cookie-cutter’ problem resolution in favor of consensus building leadership.
It’s time . . . to end electoral cycle problem resolution.
It’s time . . . “To respect the collective and to promote the individual” – [Gordon Gibson].
It’s time . . . to invest in geographic-suitable and affordable First Nation Housing. Perhaps make home-building a First Nation economic opportunity?
It’s time . . . for accountability . . . leadership from all providers to serve as champions.
It’s time . . . to ‘action’ address the root causes of murdered and missing women, family violence, substance abuse, unemployment and welfare – all problems known and too little grieved.
It’s time . . . to address poor educational outcomes – children are the education priority and not self-interest politics. Education removes the blindfolds to new possibilities.
It’s time . . . For all peoples to respect each other and to recognize that all is sacred in the web of life and this planet. That we bring better balance in our lives by seeing mankind not as owners, but dutiful guardians of Mother Earth.
It’s time . . . to heighten awareness and understanding about the history of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and create a new partnership so that we can all move forward together in peace and understanding . . . Truly we can only do this if our hearts and minds come together.
Robert P. Wells is the author of Wawahte – an examination of the impact the Indian Residential School system had on the children who were forced to attend.