Burying mother exhumes sisters’ pain
By Hoi Cheu SUDBURY –Darlene Naponse’s recent DVD/Blu-ray release of her award-winning feature film “Every Emotion Costs” reflects a universal struggle. The 2010 film...
Quebec regional Chief Picard takes interim AFN helm
By Tim Fontaine APTN National News HALIFAX–The Assembly of First Nations has a temporary leader until the election for a new national chief is...
Woman paddled 600 km. to Hudson’s Bay post
By Laurie Leclair In late July, Marie Bussineau left the hunting and fishing camp she ran in the Agawa Bay area and travelled up to...
AFN national chief election set for Winnipeg in December
Tim Fontaine APTN National News HALIFAX–The election for a new national chief of the Assembly of First Nations will take place in Winnipeg this coming...
First Nations leaders continue calls for action on Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women
HALIFAX, NS (July 16, 2014) – First Nation leaders, women’s groups, elders and youth today gathered in a Circle of Hope in Halifax today, offering...
Begetikong Anishnabe submit plans for hydro development in Pukaskwa Park
OJIBWAYS OF PIC RIVER FIRST NATION (16 July 2014) – The Begetikong Anishnabe (Ojibways of Pic River First Nation) submitted to the federal government, a...
Waub Rice to receive storytelling honour
UOI OFFICES (Nipissing FN) July 15, 2014 – CBC journalist Waubgeshig Rice has been selected as the 2014 recipient of the Debwewin Citation for excellence...
Smudging good for patients, respect even better
By Donna Faye THUNDER BAY – In 1995 Sandra Cornell began volunteering for cancer care and other groups working to improve Aboriginal health. Since then,...
Wiky students exploring science careers
By Heather Campbell SUDBURY − Students from Wasse-Abin High School have been finding out just how much fun science can be. This past year they participated...
Jones puts music to her life’s lyrics
By Barb Nahwegahbow TORONTO – It’s about journeys and changes and life’s experiences, says Carmen Jones about her music. Her recently-released CD, Can You See It?...
Program teaches students about themselves
By Karl Hele First Peoples Studies programs offer students from both Indigenous and settler communities an opportunity to learn about themselves, while engaging with alternative...
Hillside students not slouching in hoodies
By Mary Laronde KETTLE & STONY POINT FN – It was no ordinary last day of school before the summer break in this First Nation....
Winnie earns degree after ‘healing journey’
By Darrel Manitowabi M’CHIGEENG FN – Winnie Wassegijig is a mother, grandmother, and now a university graduate. The 60-year-old was among the first 19 students...
Intertribals are for everyone!
By Sharon Weatherall BEAUSOLEIL FN − Intertribal dances and pow-wows are for everyone. “Intertribal means all are welcome and the celebration is to be shared...
An Open Letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne and Ontario’s Liberal Cabinet
Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Premier Legislative Building Queen’s Park Toronto ON M7A 1A1 Dear Premier Wynne, Re: A Successful First Nation & Municipal Sustainable Development Round-Table...