Burying mother exhumes sisters’ pain

  By Hoi Cheu SUDBURY –Darlene Naponse’s recent DVD/Blu-ray release of her award-winning feature film “Every Emotion Costs” reflects a universal struggle. The 2010 film...

Waub Rice to receive storytelling honour

UOI OFFICES (Nipissing FN) July 15, 2014 – CBC journalist Waubgeshig Rice has been selected as the 2014 recipient of the Debwewin Citation for excellence...

Wiky students exploring science careers

By Heather Campbell SUDBURY − Students from Wasse-Abin High School have been finding out just how much fun science can be. This past year they participated...

Jones puts music to her life’s lyrics

By Barb Nahwegahbow TORONTO – It’s about journeys and changes and life’s experiences, says Carmen Jones about her music. Her recently-released CD, Can You See It?...

Program teaches students about themselves

By Karl Hele First Peoples Studies programs offer students from both Indigenous and settler communities an opportunity to learn about themselves, while engaging with alternative...

Intertribals are for everyone!

By Sharon Weatherall BEAUSOLEIL FN − Intertribal dances and pow-wows are for everyone. “Intertribal means all are welcome and the celebration is to be shared...