Kids have fun learning about treaties

Special to Anishinabek News NORTH BAY –Learning about serious topics like Canada’s treaty relationship with First Nations doesn’t have to be boring. “I thought it...

Students learn about being treaty people

Special to Anishinabek News NORTH BAY – A group of local elementary school students have started to learn something many of their parents don’t know:...

Pic River pursuing Aboriginal title claim

BEGETIKONG ANISHNABE — The Begetikong Anishnabe (Ojibways of Pic River First Nation) welcome the decision made June 26th by the Supreme Court of Canada in...

Cookbooks a recipe for colonialism

By Marci Becking MONTREAL – Marie-Anne Gagnon says Canadian cookbooks have been a tool for colonization. “Very few recipes actually have an Aboriginal reference in...

Rez 91 helps Amy study story-telling

  By Vince Chechock WASAUKSING FN –  Amy “Zeeb” King is the first recipient of Rez91’s  Story Teller Bursary, a fund established by Wasauksing’s community...

Greening Garden River

By Alice Corbiere GARDEN RIVER FN – New life was brought to Charles Point on June 14 by the Garden River Ontario Native Women’s Association....

Artist shares talents with communities

By Greg Plain CHIPPEWAS of the THAMES – The Munsee-Delaware daycare has new artwork thanks to Chippewas of the Thames artist Nancy Deleary. Deleary, who...