Medicine book requires second printing

By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY – Pic River’s Raphael Moses has been so successful with his recently-printed traditional medicines book, Holistic Adventures, that he’s ordered...

Dr. Toulouse gets teaching award

SUDBURY – Dr. Pamela Rose Toulouse has been named the recipient of Laurentian University’s Teaching Excellence Award for Full-Time Faculty for 2013-2014. An Associate Professor...

Chiefs of Ontario faces 80% chop

  By Martha Troian TORONTO – The Chiefs of Ontario (COO) organization is faced with an 80 per cent cut to its core funding beginning...

Hospital staff get lessons in healing

CURVE LAKE FIRST NATION – Staff from Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) have participated in training workshops in the nearest First Nation’s community centre to...

Pic Mobert to be six times bigger

          PIC MOBERT FN – Citizens of this northwestern Ontario First Nation hope that expanding their land base by 500% will...

Book Review: TRC not telling some truths?

Truth and Indignation is an academic study of the precepts, concepts, testimony, and narratives of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) written by a member...

Send kids to nutrition school

By Sarah Blackwell An estimated 30 per cent of children across Canada are obese or overweight, and Aboriginal children experience higher rates of obesity than...

Teaching treaties one brick at a time

  By Marci Becking NORTH BAY –The world’s first LEGO wampum belt was unveiled at the Nipissing/Canadore Campus  on the first day of spring. The...