First Nations are encouraged to support the historic Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on child welfare next week
TORONTO, ON (Oct 16, 2014) — Ontario Regional Chief is calling upon all communities in Ontario to stand with all First Nations children for the...
Anishinabek market vendors popular at Thunder Bay Country Market
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY – Vintage clothing and accessories from New York City are a hot seller in Thunder Bay thanks to Lake Helen’s...
Tbaytel still slow to honour tax exemption
By Marci Becking THUNDER BAY – Judy Currie, citizen of Whitesand First Nation, living in the greater Thunder Bay area, says that she’s fed up...
Closing arguments in the First Nations Child Welfare case
OCTOBER 20-24, 2014 Read the closing submissions (factum) from the Federal Government Read the closing submissions (factum) from the Caring Society. Read the closing submissions (factum) from...
Niimkawaad a celebration of abilities
By Heather Campbell SUDBURY – The parents of six-year-old Wii’um Morin wanted to express their gratitude to their community for supporting their son and the...
Unknown/unstated paternity and the Indian Act
Witness First Hand Canada’s Commitment to Reconciliation … Unknown / Unstated Paternity and the Indian Act: Lynn Gehl versus the Attorney General of Canada ...
Peace and ceremony for three lost boys
By Becky Big Canoe CHIPPEWAS OF GEORGINA ISLAND – Glenna Mae Breckenridge’s story, as told on CBC’s The National on September 24, was a real...
Racism forum attempts to build bridges in Thunder Bay
By Rick Garrick THUNDER BAY – First Nation fears of crime and racism in Thunder Bay were raised during CBC Radio One’s Oct. 1...
Candle or curse?
By Peter Globensky Beverly (who does much of the research for these articles) and I were recently in Washington, DC and we made a point...
New corporate leadership at Union of Ontario Indians
By Marci Becking NIPISSING FIRST NATION – Allan Dokis will be the Union of Ontario Indians new Chief Operating Officer as of Monday, October 13,...
Forget the tax hassle with ma Bell and join FirstTel
By Rick Garrick WIIKWEMKOONG UNCEDED TERRITORY – FirstTel Communications Corporation has developed a new branding strategy to be the first link in communications for First...
Book Review: ‘Legacy’ bold and haunting
Reviewed By Christine Smith (McFarlane) “Legacy” written by Waubgeshig Rice is a bold yet haunting story of what can happen to a family when tragedy...
Nebenionquit was a tireless worker for his people: Madahbee
Veteran Daisia Nebenionquit, former Chief of Atikameksheng Anishnawbek passed into the spirit world this morning at the age of 93. He had served in World...
Quilt connects peoples from across the world in every stitch
By Melissa Cooper WIIKWEMKOONG UNCEDED TERRITORY – For those not very interested in quilting and sewing, much deeper learning was to be embraced at the...
Indigenous Studies explode in Montreal: More than a decade in coming
By Karl Hele MONTREAL – More than a decade ago faculty at Concordia University began the process to create a First Peoples Studies program. Around...