Remembering a sister in spirit: Helen Betty Osborne
By Marci Becking Today I remember Helen Betty Osborne. There are times in our lives when we take extra notice of what is going on...
Violence in communities addressed at Sisters in Spirit vigil
By Marci Becking NORTH BAY – While people gathered to honour the over 1200 murdered and missing indigenous women in Canada on Oct.3 at the...
McGill’s first indigenous homecoming a success
By Karl Hele MONTREAL – As part of McGill University’s Fourth Annual Indigenous Awareness Week, the first ever Indigenous Homecoming event took place Sept. 18....
Sisters in Spirit vigils honour missing and murdered women – and call for change
By Greg Macdougall CURVE LAKE FIRST NATION – This Saturday October 4 will mark the ninth annual Sisters in Spirit vigils, honouring the lives of...
Cleaning up West Beach on Christian Island
By Sharon Weatherall BEAUSOLEIL FIRST NATION – West Beach on Christian Island is debris-free thanks to an energetic group of students and community members who...
The Mike Harris ‘common sense revolution’ discussed at legacy event
By Marci Becking NORTH BAY – Nipissing First Nation councillor Arnold May recalled some memorable Mike Harris moments and the impacts on his community at...
Principal agrees to become a ‘human sundae’ after school reached Terry Fox Run goal
By Sharon Weatherall Students at Christian Island Elementary School (CIES) doubled their goal for the Terry Fox event on Thursday raising over $1000. Part of...
AFN marks ‘Orange Shirt Day’ and maintains that all children matter
(Ottawa, ON) – Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Ghislain Picard is encouraging people across the country to mark Orange Shirt Day on Tuesday...
CCAB leading the way in progressive aboriginal relations
TORONTO – The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) is pleased to announce this year’s results of the Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) program —...
PUBLIC TALK: Harris legacy to be examined
Previously published in the North Bay Nugget By PJ Wilson Former premier Mike Harris’s ears will likely be ringing Saturday afternoon as speakers dissect...
Appeal to be heard in November for aboriginal children who lost their identities
Sixties Scoop Update On Thursday, November 13, 2014, the Ontario Divisional Court will hear Canada’s appeal of the September 27, 2013 decision of Justice Belobaba....
Colombian court orders mining companies to return land to natives
BOGOTA, Sep 25, 2014 (Reuters) – A Colombian legal tribunal has ordered 11 companies to halt gold-mining operations in a 50,000-hectare (124,000-acre) reserve in the...
KTEI alumni awarded Maplegrove Scholarship
By Kelly Crawford SUDBURY – Cyndil Corbiere, M’Chigeeng First Nation, is the first recipient of the Maplegrove United Church $7500.00 scholarship. “I strived; I conquered...
Leadership series: Claim what’s yours and be rich!
By Penny Tremblay Do you want less suffering and more connection in your relationships? Learn how you can have more serenity and acceptance toward the...
Indigenous adoptees find strength in each other
By Christine Smith (McFarlane) OTTAWA – Sixties Scoop and foster care survivors converged Ottawa Sept. 20-21 to the Indigenous Adoptee Gathering entitled: Bi-giwen, which...