Youth experience the joys of dance in Curve Lake

Middle Row: Dante Knott, Joshawa Ferguson-Taylor, April Knott, Emikah Taylor, Hannah Crosgrey, Aimee Wager, Calista Jacobs, Marissa Williams-Taylor, Katryna Jacobs
Front Row: Dakota Knott, Maggie Jevons, Ella Shilling, Cienna Taylor, Naomi Coppaway, Libby Shilling, Taylor Rose, Jocelyn Jessup, Abby Hill
The Curve Lake Hip Hop and Jazz Class saw 30 participants in the 12-week program. Community Youth Worker Courtney Taylor said the youth worked really hard and caught on to the routines very quickly.
“It was great watching them each week to see how much their confidence and social skills grew – the kids were very encouraging to each other,” said Taylor. “The purpose of this program was to encourage the joys of dance and music in our youth, to create and promote musical appreciation, rhythm, co-ordination, fitness, social skills and most of all fun.”
Best Dancer Awards for each age categories were: Abby Hill (4-6 year old), April Knott (7-9 year-old), Joseph Capalbo-Jacobs (10-14 year-old). Two dance scholarships were given to Angelina Jacobs and Joseph Capalbo-Jacobs.
Taylor would like to thank all the parents,family members and youth who came each week including weekly helpers Susan Marie, Max Boast, Angelina Jacobs and Joseph Capalbo-Jacobs.