Over 1,000 earrings sought for ‘Blanket of Hope’ project

By Marci Becking
NIPISSING FIRST NATION – Union of Ontario Indians staff have started a “Blanket of Hope” that represents the Spirit of the Humans who have been murdered and stolen along with the combined Spirit of those affected and the Spirit of HOPE! Hope that the inquest will take place at once. The Blanket of Hope will hold 1,181 earrings symbolizing the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women who have been stolen in Canada.
“We are asking people to send us one side of an earring with an indigenous design or an earring you have lost one side to,” says project organizer Jody Cotter, HIV/AIDS Coordinator for the UOI. “The earrings will help us share the stories of the people who have been murdered and missing and visually show 1,181
The earrings will be displayed on a Pink Pendleton that is located at the Union of Ontario Indian head office, along with information regarding the Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women Inquest.
Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee and Deputy Grand Council Chief Glen Hare will be taking the “Blanket of Hope” to upcoming roundtable discussions like the one being held Feb. 10-12 in Thunder Bay.
“The blanket will show our support and solid commitment to this epidemic affecting Indigenous people,” says Cotter. “We hope to bring attention, prayers and serious action so no more Humans are taken.”
Earrings can be either pinned on in person or mailed to Union of Ontario Indians, PO Box 711, North Bay, Ontario, P1B 8J8
For more information on the “Blanket of Hope” Project, contact Jody Cotter jody.cotter@anishinabek.ca 705-497-9127 ext. 2231
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