Another First Nation formally adopts their own constitution

MISSISSAUGA #8 – On March 9, Mississauga #8 Anishinabek voted 91% in favour to formally adopt their own constitution – making this the third Anishinabek First Nation to do so.
“Prior to European contact, we made our own communal decisions when it came to our People,” said Chief Reginald Niganobe. “The need for a gchi-naaknigewin [constitution] is based on how Mississauga wants to move forward in decision-making for our own People and for our entire traditional territory, where our ancestors resided. A constitution will allow us to do that.”
Mississauga #8 citizens were able to cast their votes by regular mail-in ballots and online voting within a 28-day timeframe. The results of the community vote were 242 in favour and 19 against adoption of the Misswezahging Gchi-naaknigewin. The votes consisted of regular ballots, mail-in ballots, and on-line voting. There were three spoiled ballots.
To prepare for the ratification vote, the Mississauga #8 constitution committee facilitated an in-depth community engagement strategy, reaching as many on-reserve and off-reserve citizens as possible. The strategy included two on-reserve engagement sessions which gave the off-reserve citizens the opportunity to participate via web-cam and three engagement sessions in North Bay, Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie.
Constitution Committee member Roger Boyer said, “We chose to utilized ‘family messengers’, who were responsible for conveying the message, answering questions and clarifying uncertainty, as we moved forward.”
Mississauga #8 began its constitution development process 15 years ago by appointing a constitution committee to start drafting the constitution document. In recent years, legal and technical staff of the Restoration of Jurisdiction supported the committee by providing legal reviews and assisting with community engagement sessions.
For more information on the constitution development process contact your First Nation band office or Faye Sabourin at 1-877-702-5200 Ext. 2316 or