Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Election notice

Elder Gordon Waindubence will be conducting this year’s ceremonies using the traditional stand-up election process. As in previous years Gordon will conduct the ceremonies alongside various members of the Anishinabek Nation including:
- Maurice Switzer, Oshkabewis to Elder Waindubence – Announce election rules/protocols and assist Elder Waindubence with process;
- Anishinabek Kwe-Wuk Council Members/Kwe – Gives power to Grand Council Chief and Deputy Grand Chief to lead the Anishinabek Nation;
- UOI Elders Council;
- Youth/Students from Curve Lake First Nation – Official Counters;
- Leah Stock and Rhonda Couchie – Organizers/UOI Technicians.
The stand up election process will be conducted in accordance with a motion passed by the Chiefs-in-Assembly at the Grand Council Assembly held in 2006.
Regional Elections for the positions of Regional Grand Chief and Board Member will also take place at this year’s assembly.
The Union of Ontario Indians would like to extend our best wishes to all those who will be attending and participating in this year’s Grand Council Assembly and Elections.
Allan Dokis
Chief Operating Officer
Union of Ontario Indians
Tuesday, June 2, 2015 – Nominations
- Candidates will be invited to join the Chiefs circle and sit next to their Nominator;
- Maurice Switzer will explain the nomination and election process;
- Nominations will be declared open;
- Elder Gordon Waindubence will conduct a pipe ceremony and begin the circle;
- Nominators will offer tobacco to their Nominee during the circle. If the tobacco is accepted, the Nominee accepts the nomination for Grand Council Chief or Deputy Grand Council Chief;
- The Nominee can be seconded by any of the Chiefs or Delegates in the circle;
- A motion will be called to declare the nominations closed for Grand Council Chief;
- A motion will be called to declare the nominations closed for Deputy Grand Council Chief;
- A Sweat Lodge will be conducted for the Nominees;
- A Feast will be held after the Sweat Lodge.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015 – Election
- Each Nominator for Grand Council Chief will have 5 minutes to introduce their Nominee;
- Each Nominee for Grand Council Chief will have 10 minutes to address the Assembly (timed by drum);
- Call for stand up election for Grand Council Chief;
- Chiefs/Official delegates will be asked to stand behind their candidates;
- The candidate with the least amount of Chiefs/Delegates will be asked to sit and their supporters will be asked to line up behind another candidate;
- This process will continue until the majority of Chiefs/Delegates are lined up behind one candidate;
- All Chiefs will then be asked to stand behind the selected candidate to show unity and support for the Nation;
- The same process will follow for the election of Deputy Grand Council Chief;
- A pipe and blanket ceremony will be conducted with Grand Council Chief and Deputy Grand Council Chief;
- The Grand Council Chief and Deputy Grand Council Chief will address the Assembly.
- If you are a Delegate please ensure you have the proper documentation;
- Nominators should bring tobacco to present to their Nominee when nominating him or her;
- Nominees for Grand Council Chief/Deputy Grand Council Chief should bring gifts (example: promotional items, trinkets) for the giveaway at the end of the ceremony.