This generation plants trees for the next generation to have shade

By Margaret Hele
GARDEN RIVER FN – “This generation plants the trees and the next generation gets the shade”, was written on a sign viewed by Alice Corbiere, a member of our Local ONWA group, the Anishinaabekwek of the North Shore (ANS).
Our Local ONWA group, ANS, partnered with the Scouts of Canada for the second year to assist in reforestation. ANS purchased 1,250 saplings from the Thessalon First Nation. The Scouts with their parents and leaders from the Algoma District planted the trees in the area of the Pow wow grounds in Garden River.
Two other members of ANS, Roseanna McCoy, and Margaret Hele and councillor, Denis Jones, were present to welcome the visitors. It was noted that most of last years trees were growing well. There were a few that had been run down by four wheelers. This year a greater effort has been made to mark the area of the planted trees better.
In the early 1950’s Rita Valiquette and I recalled planting the trees that stand behind the bingo hall and Aim School. Whenever I ride past these trees I proudly tell my passengers, “I planted some of those trees”.