Walking in solidarity for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission IRS survivors march

By KA Smith
NORTH BAY – Local supporters walked in solidarity with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Residential School Survivors march in the Nation’s capital Sunday.
The walk marks the start of the Truth and Reconciliation closing events in Ottawa. The commission, launched in 2008 under a five-year mandate, releases the final report Tuesday.
The Truth and Reconciliation Nipissing Nation Walk started at St. Andrew’s United Church early in the afternoon. The church has been very supportive of the Truth and Reconciliation Walkers as they journeyed from Cochrane to Ottawa for the historic event.
The supporters walked in the sunny weather all the way to Nipissing 10 First Nation territory, stopping for ceremony and reflection at the Residential School Monument.
Nipissing First Nation Chief Marianna Couchie walked with about 50 other supporters, many from the United Church. They were accompanied by Anishinabek Police and North Bay Police Services.