Pic River celebrates Aboriginal Day

Story submitted by Grade 3 & 4 students, Pic River Elementary School
OJIBWAYS OF PIC RIVER FIRST NATION –The community of Pic River First Nation is celebrating Aboriginal Day by creating and hanging banners throughout the reserve. Esther Michano, a community resident along with the high school students is painting the Grandfather Teachings and the Clans on the banners.
The banners were created to show the visitors Anishinaabe Laws. Esther Michano, who started this project says, “when visiting in other communities they have flags and I thought we could do this too”.
The banners were expensive to buy and put up. With the financial donation from the local departments such as Daycare, Education, Lands and Resources, Energy and Pic River Development Corporation, the purchase of the banners were made.
The Grade 7s and 8s of Pic River Elementary School and the high school students are making the 40 banners and hanging them throughout the community. The clans of Pic River are loon, deer, wolf, rabbit, bear, turtle, eagle, frog, moose, caribou, and sturgeon.