Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day Says Candidates must listen to First Nation priorities

“This year, the election must bring about the change that First Nations need to bring a better future for the youth. The changes must be in line with our Treaties so we can end the cycle of poverty and begin to peacefully co-exist with Canada,” said Regional Chief Day. “I urge all parties to listen closely to First Nations and to ensure that the commitments and policies they present respect our rights and Treaties.”
The 2015 General Election officially began yesterday. First Nations have continually called on all parties to commit to achieving equity between First Nations and non-First Nations communities.
“Canada must immediately change the way it works with First Nations,” said Chief Sara Mainville, Couchiching First Nation. “We will not allow one more lost generation. The next government must commit to do much better for our youth.”
First Nations youth are one of the fastest growing segments of the Canadian population. However, over half of all First Nations youth live in poverty.
“When Canadians go to the polls, they must remember that Canada is only as strong as its relationship with First Nations peoples. Canada was founded on that Treaty relationship, and when it fails, we all fail,” said Regional Chief Day.
The 42nd Canada General Election is scheduled for October 19, 2015.
Twitter: #Better4FirstNations
The Chiefs of Ontario is a political forum and a secretariat for collective decision making, action, and advocacy for the 133 First Nation communities located within the boundaries of the province of Ontario, Canada. Follow Chiefs of Ontario on Facebook or Twitter @ChiefsOfOntario.
For more information, please contact:
Jamie Monastyrski, Communications Phone: 807-630-7087 – Email: jamie.monastyrski@coo.org