Anishinabek Nation congratulates Atikameksheng Anishnawbek for ratifying their G’Chi-Naaknegewin

“This is a historic milestone,” said Madahbee. “The Anishinabek Nation has been working for several years to develop the Anishinabek Nation Chi-Naaknigewin and to provide support to the Anishinabek First Nations in developing their own constitutions. Atikameksheng Anishnawbek is the fourth community to ratify their constitution, it is rewarding to see that all of the effort that has gone into developing community constitutions is now showing results.”
Atikameksheng Anishnawbek has been working on the development of the G’Chi-Naaknigewin for the past 10 years through community consultations, review and input from the Community, Gimaa and Council and the Constitution Committee. This long process ensured the document reflected Atikameksheng Anishnawbek values, traditions, principles and way of life.
“The main benefit of a community constitution is that it will provide a First Nation the ability to make their own laws instead of relying on laws imposed by other governments. First Nation citizens have the authority to deal with the issues that they deem necessary and prioritize those issues. We encourage First Nations to develop their own constitutions and laws. A constitution is an excellent means of asserting our jurisdiction” stated Madahbee.
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Gary Dokis, Political Advisor
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