‘The Sunset Dreamer’ – BFN photographer on display

By Sharon Weatherall
Beautiful scenes from Christian Island will be on display in Penetanguishene, Ontario later this month. Landscape photographer Sharon Lisa Monague is hosting a show at ‘Le Matre D’ Restaurant at 106 Main Street between 4 -6:30 p.m. on Sunday August 23. It will be a first for the talented photographer and she is looking forward to a positive response.
“People have been pushing me to do a show and I am excited now that it is in the works,” said Monague whose work has become well known to Beausoleil First Nation members that also appreciate the beauty of their island home.
“I have had some die-hard fans since I started posting my pictures on Facebook – their enthusiasm has inspired me.”
Monague picked up photography as a hobby after her children left home and she became bored wanting something more to do with her time. Walking her dogs along the trails and beaches of Christian Island she began to appreciate the beauty and landscape she once took for granted – especially the fantastic sunrises and sunsets. Now the 52 year old shutterbug never leaves home without her Canon Rebel and has captured some truly remarkable images around the island.
Monague says she believes in herself when she is taking pictures and believes that each shot she takes will be a good one. Through personal experience, trial and error and taking lessons at ‘Henry’s School of Imaging’ she has developed an eye and the skills it takes to become a great photographer.
“I couldn’t believe how I took to photography – I love it. I believe in myself that I will get a good picture and I do. I take my camera everywhere with me now and hate to miss a sunrise or sunset – they are all so different. I am always racing to catch a sunset,” said Monague.
“A tip I would like to share is it’s not always about catching the sun as it is rising or setting, but the colours before and after that are gorgeous – especially if there are lots of clouds.”
Over the past three years Monague has managed to gather quite a collection of beautiful images but when she looks back at the some of the first ones she took she notices that some are over exposed. Shooting on the auto setting did not allow her to be creative like using the manual setting which is what she uses nearly all the time now. At first Monague says she was confused by all the settings on the camera but since taking classes and reading tips at Digital School Photography ( DSP) online she has learned a great deal about composition, how to hold a camera, shutter speed and more.
“I prefer learning in class and hands-on with an instructor instead of using manuals. Some people are a bit nervous about all the things the new cameras will do – I was like that at first too but now I am using the dials and buttons to see what I can do,” said Monague.
“I recommend people go to the online site to learn a bit more about their camera. It worked for me and I love to share tips to help people.”
Some tips Monague has for photographers who are just starting out include ‘focusing’ on how to hold a camera properly so that blurry images can be avoided. A steady hand works wonders. Also do not always expect the subject of a picture to be right in the middle – have it off to the side a little, because you get too much exposure if you shoot directly at them.
Monague started out giving her pictures away as gifts and raffled them off at community events but people began expressing interest in buying them.
Lately she has bigger plans in the works for her photography. She is currently working on a business plan for ‘The Sunset Dreamer’ – her business, and has a web site which she hopes will be up and running by the end of August.
The upcoming photography show will feature about ten landscape images of Christian Island and a portfolio filled with other pictures for people to view or purchase.
In the future Monague aspires to travel the world and take pictures of her adventures. Iceland is first on her wish list. She has gotten a lot of experience shooting beautiful wintery images on the frozen waters surrounding her home. In the meantime she has visited Toronto and Montreal where she has shot some interesting pictures and she continues to explore Christian Island during her morning and evening walks with her dogs – which have become attractive models for some of her work. Currently Monague is working on improving her night time photography since she sees plenty of opportunity for this around the island.
“Christian Island has so many opportunities for good photography. The beaches, skies and waters here always look so fresh and beautiful. I never get tired of taking pictures on the island and consider myself very lucky to live here now that I recognize its beauty and uniqueness,” said Monague.
To inquire about an image, the new website or get in touch with Sharon Monague about her business ‘The Sunset Dreamer’ email her at: