‘Get to the polls this weekend’ says Madahbee

“Advanced polls are open across our territory from Oct. 9-12,” says Grand Council Chief Madahbee. ” Avoid the line ups! Do not wait until October 19 to cast your ballot! Encourage other community members to vote this weekend. Look at the polls and find out who you need to vote for to defeat the Conservatives.”
Madahbee suggests people to bring a friend, Elder, student with them who has never voted before.
“Ask neighbours if they have a ride to the polling station. We need to take action to replace the Harper government, we can only do this by exercising the right to vote,” says Madahbee.
Swing ridings in the Anishinabek Nation territory:
Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing – 9,425 eligible First Nation voters
Brantford-Brant – 8,370 eligible First Nation voters
London North Centre – 1, 655 eligible First Nation voters
Nipissing- Timiskaming – 5,475 eligible First Nation voters (Liberals lost by 18 votes last election!)
Sault Ste. Marie – 5,760 eligible First Nation voters
Thunder Bay – Superior North – 6,775 eligible First Nation voters
“Make sure you have your voters card and proper identification. Change can happen with you,” says Madahbee. “Share that you voted on Facebook and Twitter – encourage others to vote strategically in their riding.”