Leadership looking forward to Social and Education days in Sault Ste. Marie

The Anishinabek Nation made significant progress at the Anishinabek Nation – Ontario summit with Premier Wynne and the eight Cabinet Minsters that attended the summit. We have written letters to Premier Wynne and each of the Cabinet Ministers that attended the Summit to follow up on the topics presented. We want to ensure that we continue the momentum that was achieved at the Summit. We have scheduled a bi lateral Leadership meeting with Aboriginal Affairs Minister Zimmer on November 5th, the main agenda item at the meeting will be Summit follow up.
The Anishinabek Nation has been engaged in education self-government negotiations with Canada for over 20 years to secure Canada’s recognition of First Nation jurisdiction. This year marks the completion of the negotiations with Canada and the start of the First Nation decision-making process on those negotiated arrangements. We are pleased to report that twenty-five Anishinabek First Nations have passed Band Council Resolutions approving the initialling of the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement.
The Province of Ontario will move forward to negotiate a Master Education Agreement with Anishinabek First Nations. The Master Education Framework Agreement and the proposed Master Education Agreement are separate agreements between the Anishinabek First Nations and Ontario which are complementary to the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement (ANEA) between the Anishinabek First Nation and Canada. The Master Education Framework Agreement will be signed with Ontario on November 19th at the Restoration of Jurisdiction Gathering in Sault Ste. Marie.
We have developed many initiatives during the last few years, it is now time to implement these initiatives. We cannot be afraid to move forward, our people are waiting for action. We may have to fight for our rights and need to ensure that the federal and provincial governments are aware that we are ready for action.
It is important that we continue to assert our jurisdiction. There is plenty of positive activity occurring in Anishinabek territory. We are moving forward in education, child well-being, Anishinabek Nation law development, and constitution development. We are pleased to report that there are now five Anishinabek Communities that have ratified their community constitutions. We want to congratulate Nipissing First Nation, Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve, Mississauga #8 First Nation, Atikameksheng Anishnawbek, and Ojibways of Pic River First Nation for ratifying their community constitutions. There are several other communities that are currently working on their constitutions.
The Leadership Council met on October 6th and 7th. This meeting focused on planning. Union of Ontario Indians Directors provided presentations on Grand Council work plans and summit follow up action plans.
The federal election occurred on October 19, 2015. This was a critical election and it was an opportunity for First Nation voices to be heard. The Liberal majority represents a significant political change in Canada. We will work with Prime Minister elect Trudeau and his cabinet colleagues on a Nation-to-Nation basis to address Anishinabek Nation issues.
We have sent a letter congratulating Prime Minister elect Trudeau for capturing a majority government. We have also advised him that we are ready to work with the new government on our issues. We have a bilateral Leadership Table protocol with the federal government that has been inactive. We will be contacting the federal government to begin dialogue right after the cabinet is appointed. Many of our initiatives require the cooperation of both levels of government to ensure successful implementation.
Anishinabek meetings are planned for November 17,18,19 in Sault Ste. Marie. November 17th will be an Anishinabek Nation Chiefs Gathering, November 18th will focus on Child well-being, and November 19th will focus on the Anishinabek Education system. The Master Education Framework Agreement will be signed on November 19th. We look forward to seeing all of you on November 17th to 19th.
There are several new Chiefs that have been recently elected. Deputy Grand Chief Hare and I have either met or will be meeting new the Leadership in the near future. We welcome the new Anishinabek First Nation Leadership, we are looking forward to working with all of the Leadership.
Deputy Grand Chief and I enjoy travelling to Anishinabek communities. We have visited all of our communities during the last year. If you would like to schedule us for events in your community please contact Lynn Bowerman, Executive Liaison, who manages our travel schedule.
It is an exciting time in Anishinabek territory, there are many initiatives in progress at this time. We are ready to exercise our jurisdiction, move forward, and show our strength as a Nation.
We have attended the following events recently:
- Northern Superior Chiefs meeting
- Meetings with new Leadership
- Leadership Council meeting
- Child Well Being meeting
- Chiefs Committee on Health meeting
- Gwekwaadziwin Project meeting
- Chiefs Energy Forum
- Election “Rally the vote” sessions
- Political Confederacy Retreat
- Numerous meetings on behalf or with Anishinabek First Nation leadership
Grand Council Chief Patrick Wedaseh Madahbee
Deputy Grand Council Chief Glen Hare