Robinson says introduce yourself to the creator, the 4 directions

By Marci Becking
SUDBURY — Eddy Robinson spoke to 150 educators at the Miigwewin 2015 conference hosted by Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute about truth and reconciliation.
Robinson tackled the topic by noting how Anishinaabe introduce themselves. #Boozhoo
“When I introduce myself I am locating myself to the universe,” says Robinson who is a citizen of Missanabie Cree Nation. “Boozhoo. ____ N’Dishnakaz. ____ N’Dodem. _____ N’Doonjibaa. Anishinaabe-Nini N’Daaw. We are telling the creator where we are and the 4 directions are acknowledged in our location.”
Robinson sees reconciliation related to the four seasons.
“In the fall, we cry when the first leaf hits the ground. Creation has sacrificed something for you. The Truth and Reconciliation represents those who have sacrificed for us in past generations. Winter is the time for education – accountable for the calls to action.”
He shares that our stories are real methodologies and valid teachings.
“Fasting is a time for Anishinaabe to gather knowledge from our first family,” says Robinson who found his cultural identity and got in touch with his spirituality through spending time with Traditional Healers and Elders visiting Toronto.
Robinson also poses the question: What is reconciliation?
“To start, you need to know difference between Indigenous and Aboriginal, First Nations, Metis, Inuit. What a challenge it is for a 7 or 8 year-old to self-identify in school. There are so many layers there. Are you a 6.1 or a 6.2? How can children identify themselves when they don’t know the narrative. The word ‘Aboriginal’ is a made-up collective noun. We are Anishinaabe, Haundesaune…”
He says that people need to know what Residential Schools are and know who are the Residential School survivors.There were 94 Calls to Action in the Truth and Reconciliation Report. “Stories are powerful. How can their story help you?” asks Robinson.