TRC report recommendations need real financial backing

UOI OFFICES (Nipissing FN) December 15, 2015 – Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee agrees with Justice Sinclair’s comments regarding the number of indigenous children in care following today’s final Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report release.
“The number is staggering,” says Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee. There are far too many children being ripped away from their families. It’s a cycle that continues with the inter-generational legacy of residential schools. Many of these children end up on the streets or in jail. Is there going to be government and corporate dollars thrown at implementing the recommendations from the TRC report?”
Madahbee refers to the recent out-pouring of support for Syrian refugees coming to Canada.
“I’m perplexed about the refugee situation. Everyone is finding dollars for language instruction, housing and education. First Nations in Canada are looking for clean water, housing, and the restoration of our language – to close the education gap. How do we get Canadians to look in their own back yard? I have empathy for the refugees coming in, but we need help too. ”
Madahbee says that he hopes that the federal government will come through on their campaign promises and follow through with reversing some damaging legislation put into place by the Harper government.