A beader’s New Year’s resolution for 2016

By Emilie Corbiere
Every year, like half of the people on this planet, I make New Year’s resolutions that usually only last a few weeks or even a month regarding weight loss, exercise, daily meditation, etc. This year I’ve decided to turn the tables and make a few resolutions as a beader and crafter.
This year I resolve to abstain from buying more beads and if you are a beader as well, you know how hard this can be. Especially when you see a big display of beads and you’re thinking, “Oh I forgot, I’m almost out of that colour”. My husband says to “use up the beads that I have now”, I’m still laughing at this one and wonder why he is talking such jibberish or ojibberish.
I also promise to donate my many containers of scrap deer skin, moose skin, rabbit fur, material, etc… to my local friendship centre or ladies sewing group. These are still great materials for small jobs such as earring backers, brooches, dividers for chokers and much more.
This year the kids will take on more responsibilities, as teenagers they will be helping out more around the house with a few extra chores. It’s good for them to learn these jobs early to get them ready for a life on their own. This will also free up a lot of time for me to do more beading, killing two birds with one stone – brilliant.
And lastly, I resolve to leave my husband at home whenever I happen to visit a bead shop, leather shop of fabric store. Even if I don’t plan on purchasing anything, the thought of him following me around the store and ruining my mojo is enough to keep me at home.
Happy New Year’s and Happy Beading!