Sagamok brings in New Year with Ogiima Giizhgat

By Greg Plain
Sagamok brings in New Year with Ogiima Giizhgat (Chief’s Day) – Chiefs Dinner with Sagamok Anishnawbek Nation citizens.
As the New Year is rung in on the 1st of January Paul Eshkakogan of the Sagamok Anishinawbek holds the annual Ogimma Giizhgat to bring members of the community together where they can gather as a community and bring in the New Year.
The Chief gave the opening remarks and discussed the new Government of the Justin Trudeau’s Liberals and the promise of a new relationship. Chief Eshkakogan says “the Members of the Sagamok Anishinawbek get together on this date every year to communicate, and feast the New Year together.”
Chief Eshkakoganwas first elected in 2005 and has had over 10 years of Leadership in the Sagamok community. The Chief previously served as a member of council for eight years and also served as an employee with the Sagamok Anishinawbek for approximately ten years. He also worked for various Native Organizations across Ontario. Through his work Paul gained valuable experience in self-government negotiations, developing business relationships, and community economic development and land claims.
With a Dinner of members and Council there were over 165 people in attendance. The dinner consisted of a full turkey dinner and desserts.
Nation members are always grateful for the Chief”s Dinner and all received a new Community Calendar that is filled with Anishinaabemowin to assist members in carry on with the Ojibwe language within the community.