Women’s big drum teachings a success

Submitted by Sue Chiblow
On January 16, 2016, I coordinated a Women’s Big Drum Teachings at the Garden River Recreation Centre featuring special guest Isaac Murdoch and Nokomis Josephine Mandamin. The gathering was huge success with participants sharing their knowledge on teachings.
Chi Miigwetch to Christie Belcourt for designing the poster, Darrell Boissoneau for bringing the Eagle Staff, Deb Nolan & Mona Jones for assisting in the clean- up, Sault Tree Experts for donating coffee and food, and all the participants who shared their knowledge and brought food to share: the wild rice dish was absolutely amazing. I was so humbled to be among so many great teachers and seeing our Anishinabe kwe stand strong. Nokomis Josephine spoke of kwe responsibilities to the lands, the waters, each other and all life. Isaac shared that we are writing our own history and it’s our decisions that will determine how that history is written. Will our children, grandchildren and those we are borrowing from read our history and be proud of our decisions?
Sue Chiblow, Ogamauh annag is the Environmental Advisor for Mississaugi