Introducing yourself – Nun-gish-goh-daa-ti-naa-win-un

Boozhoo. Eli Baxter nin-di-zhin-ni-kaaz.
A-goh-keeng nin-don-ji-baa.
Attick ni-to-tum.
Way-ti noo-pi-meeng nin-gee-ni-taa-wug. Ni-maa-maam-ibun, ni baa-baam-ibun, ni-ko-kom-ibun, ni-mi-shoo-mis-ibun, aee tush ka-ki-na-sa ni-ta-way-maa-gun-nug ningee-om-bi-gee-min A-nishi-naa-bay a-keeng way-ti noo-pi-meeng. Ningee-noo-chi-yaa-naa-nug a-wi-yaa-shii-shug a-ee tush kee-goonsug chi bi-maa-ti-si-yaang. Ningee-aa-ba-chi-yaa-naa-nug koo-yuk pah-ta-ki-chee-gun-nug a-ee tush mi-ti-goog.
A-nishi-naa-bay-mo-win ayta ningee-a-ba-chi-too-min.
Aee tush neen nin-gee-a-yaan A-nishi-naa-bay ki-kayn-daa-so-win. Ningee-noon-daan ki-chi-a-yaag ay-ka-kit-too-waach. Ningee waa-bun-daan a-neen-maa-yaam koo-yuk ay-aa-ba-chi-too-waach o-way A-ni-shini-aa-bay-mo-win. Ningee-ki-kayn-daan ni-ga-mo-win-nun, ta-ti-baa-chi-mo-win-nun, a-gin-daaso-mowin-nun aee tush a-neen-ma-yaam chi pi-mi-wi-too-yaan A-nishi-naa-bay bi-maa-ti-si-win.
A-mee-way-tush ay-maa-chee-osho-bee-gay-yaan chi a-ba-chi-too-yung meen-a-wa A-nishi-naa-bay-mo-win. Meen-a-waa chi-ki-kayn-da-mung A-nishi-naa-bay ka-kit-to-win-nun. Meen-a-wa chi-ki-kayn-da-mung A-nishi-naa-bay ta-ti-baa-chi-mo-win-nun. Meen-a-waa chi-ki-kayn-da-mung A-nishi-naa-bay ni-ga-mo-win-nun. Meen-a-waa chi ki-kayn-da-mung A-nishi-naa-bay ay-mi-chi-gay-win-nun. A-mee-way-tush
mee-na-waa chi in-naa-wayn-daa-mung A-nishi-naa-bay in-nayn-daa-mo-win-nun.
Meen-a-waa tush A-nish-naa-bay ka-ba-waa-mo-min.
Pin-na-maa ni-wee o-shi-bee-i-gay o-way A-nishi-naa-bay i-shi-chi-gay-win. Ways-kuch way-ti oo-taa-naang o-maa A-nish-naa-bay a-keeng, is-poh pee-waa-tayg ta-go-shin-no-waach o-maa, A-nishi-naa-bayg o-gee-a-yaan-na-waa a-neen ma-yaam a-way-nayn chi nun-gish-goh-daa-chi-gaysh. Way-ti gee-too-chi-gaa-tay.
O-gi-maa kaan o-gee i-naan pay-shig A-nishi-naa-bayn kaan-taa ta-ti-baa-chi-mooch, kaa-ni-taa-A-nishi-naa-bay-mooch chi pi-mo-wi-tung ta-ti-baa-chi-mo-win way-ti pa-kaan o-gi-maa kaa-i-shi-taach waa-sug A-nishi-naa-bay a-keeng. O-way-ti A-nishi-naabay kee-bi-mi-baa-too kaa-i-shi-taach ko-taak o-gi-maa-kaan. Ay-ni-taa-go-shing way-ti pa-kaan A-nishi-naa-bayg kaa-i-shi-ta-waach kee-poh-ta-way naysh-kaa-kong chi waa-baa-maa-gun-ni-wich, chi ki-kayn-ni-maa-waach ashaa pee-waa-tay taa-go-shin. O-gi-maa-gaan maa-chee-ni-shon o-taa-ti-baa-chi-mo-win i-ni-ni chi bee-naach peen-dig kaa-ishi-taa-waach. O-way-ti pee-waa-tay na-ma-ta-bi a-keeng, ni-ga-mo A-nishi-na-bay ni-ga-mo-win, koo-tuk A-nishi-naa-bay pee-shaa, na-ma-ta-bi kay-ween, kaa-ween a-way-nayn ka-kit-to-see, pin-na-maa-tush pee-wa-tay A-nishi-naa-bay a-ni-sa-kis-soh a-say-maa, a-poh-gun a-say-ma a-bi, sag-ga-soh-wag pin-na-maa. Pee-wa-tay A-nishi-naa-bay ween-da-maa-gay ka-kit-to-win o-pee-toon chi meen-naach o-gi-maa-gaan-ni-won. Pah-so-gee-wug, peen-di-gay-wug A-nishi-naa-bay i-shi-taa-win. Kah-ki-na pee-shaa-wug chi-noon-da-mo-waach ta-ti-baa-chi-mo-win pee-wa-tay kaa-pee-tooch.
Pin-na-maa pee-wa-tay A-nishi-na-bay ween-da-maa-gay o-ta-a-nishi-naa-bay i-zhi-ni-kaas-so-win. A-mee-way ka-ki-naa o-ki-kayn-daan o-noh-si-win o-maa a-keeng.
A-ee tush ween-da-maa-gay a-neen-di ay-on-cheeng. A-mee-o-maa ka-ki-na o-ki-kayn-daan ay-neen-di kaa-gee-bee-on-cheech. A-ee tush ween-da-maa-gay o-to-taym. A-mee-way-tush A-nishi-naa-bayg o-ki-kayn-daan-naa-waa a-way-nayn chi naa-ka-chi-yaa-waach o-way-pee-wa-tay A-nishi-naa-bay.
A-mee-way kaa-gee-to-ta-mung waysh-kuch ay-nun-gish-koh-taa-ti-yung.
A-mee-way pin-na-maa.
Eli Baxter
Hello. My name is Eli Baxter
I come from Ogoki Post.
My clan is the caribou.
I was born in the wilderness. My deceased mom, my deceased dad, my deceased grandmother, my deceased grandfather and all my relations we all were raised on Anishinabay land in the wilderness. We hunted animals and we fished for us to live. We properly used the plants and the trees. We only used the Anishinabay language.
As for me I received the Anishinabay knowledge. I heard it being used by the elders. I saw the correct way on how the elders used the Anishinabay language. I knew the songs, the stories, the counting and the correct way on how to carry the Anishinabay life.
So that is why I am starting to write to use again the Anishinabay language. Again we can learn the Anishinabay words. Again we can learn the Anishinabay stories. Again we can learn the Anishinabay songs. Again we can learn the Anihinabay prayers. So that again we can think in the Anishinabay way of thinking. Again we can dream Anishinabay dreams.
For now I want to write about an Anishinabay protocol. A long time ago in the past here on Anishinabay land, before the strangers arrived here, Anishinabayg had the proper way of introducing themselves. This was how it was done.
A chief would ask one of his people who could tell stories, one who can really speak the language well, to carry a message over there to another chief that lives far away on Anishinabay land. This person ran to the place where the other chief lived. As he arrived at the different peoples’ place he made a fire at the edge of the woods so that he can be seen, for them to know that a stranger has arrived. The chief send his best messenger to bring him into the village. The stranger sits on the ground, he sings an Anishinaabay song, the other messager comes over, he also sits down, no one speaks, for now the stranger starts smoking tobacco, the tobacco is in a pipe, they some for now. The stranger tells that he is bringing a message to their chief. They stand up; they come into the village. Everyone comes to hear what the message stranger has brought.
First thing the stranger does is tell his Anishinabay name. This tells everyone the purpose of his being here on earth. He also tells where he is from. Here everyone knows the place where he is from. He then tells what is clan is. This tells the Anishinabayg who will look after the stranger.
This is what we did a long time ago when we met.
That is all for now.
Thank you.
Eli Baxter