Teachers learn to teach treaty relationship

Gdoo-sastamoo kii mi - Understanding Our Nation to Nation Relationship: A Practical Teacher Resource Guide will be available for sale in May.
Gdoo-sastamoo kii mi – Understanding Our Nation to Nation Relationship: A Practical Teacher Resource Guide will be available for sale in May.
Teachers participate in the 'mapping treaties' activity at the teachers training session held at the Union of Ontario Indians head office.
Teachers participate in the ‘mapping treaties’ activity at the teachers training session held at the Union of Ontario Indians head office.

By Marci Becking

NIPISSING FN – Teachers from the North Bay area had the opportunity at the end of March to have hands-on training of the “We are all Treaty People” teachers kit and the new High School teachers resource called “Gdoo-sastamoo Kii Mi”.
Kelly Crawford, citizen of M’Chigeeng First Nation, is a Vice Principal and education team leader with Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute on Manitoulin Island. Crawford is the author of both the “We are all Treaty People” and “Gdoo-sastamoo Kii Mi” teachers guides. She says that one of the most challenging obstacles to overcome as a teacher is to bring in content that was misrepresented in past learning experiences.
“Both resources encourage educators to join with their students on the educational journey towards better understanding of the treaty relationship,” says Crawford.
Since the launch of the elementary teachers kit in May 2015, some teachers have been using the resource with ease and getting right into it. Others need some more training to give them confidence in the classroom.
“The resources are important for teachers as it connects their classrooms to the topic of treaties in a creative way that is supported by Indigenous ways of knowing and learning,” says Crawford.
Michelle LaPointe, Education Officer with the French Language Policy and Programs Branch of the Ministry of Education says that the teachers session was truly inspiring.
“Her presentation style is welcoming, inclusive and respectful,” says LaPointe. “Kelly is creative and brilliant, yet she shares her ideas and strategies with such humility.”
“The activities she facilitated during the day and a half of training allowed us to go beyond the pedagogy and their application to the classroom; these were also very beneficial to our own personal journey, especially in the development of our cultural competency.”
The “We are all Treaty People” teachers kit has been translated into French as well and is making its way into French school boards.
“My sense is that the new translated version of the resource Nous sommes tous des gens issus de traités will be very well received in French-language schools as there are currently few or any resources on the topic of treaties for elementary schools,” says LaPointe. “Teachers will appreciate that the suggested activities in the teachers guide are aligned with the French-language Ontario curriculum.”
Gdoo-sastamoo Kii Mi can be described as “this is our understanding”. The Gdoo-sastamoo Kii Mi, Understanding Our Nation to Nation Relationship: A Practical Teachers Resource Guide, aims to provide and support an understanding of the Nation to Nation relationship. The guide provides teachers with multiple points of entry in order to start discussions on the treaty relationship.
Crawford adds that this resource supports teachers in the delivery of hands on learning experiences that encourage students to understand their role in the treaty relationship.
“All the lesson plans are connected to the Ontario curriculum (Ministry of Education),” says Crawford.
The teachers kits and books can be ordered through the Union of Ontario Indians by calling 1-877-702-5200.