Ke Gwah – Do Not

Ke Gwah
Ke gwah, g’chi nisaa saa nend mo ken
Ke gwah, gah gwad dem sii
Be kaanih ngwodji niiwin bwoch we
Wade, Mino Ndowendji Ge Kaa
Nwii bi biiyaazhaa
Nii weh nkwesh kwaak dash Gete Nishnaabek
Ndah baabii go, aazh gwah ngii-giizhii taa maanpii kiing
Kiiwedinoong ngah ni nookshkaa
Aa-aazh wii-iing enji Waasnoodemgag
Ngah zhino maag Kiiwedin-Anang
Mii dash jinkwesh kwaag waa meozhaa gaa maajaajig
Ngah g’chi wiikdimin
E zhiinak kinah miijim gaa zhischi gaadek
Waasnoodeg seg megwaa
Ngag chi-baa-baapmin, meg waa aa-aatsoke yaang
Mii dash jini gdaakiiwe yang wade Maanido Miikaasing
Ehni namak Nangoohns Kwaaning
Nemownid yang nwiiji Nishnaabek ni dbikaak
Ge giin went ezhi Nishnaabeoying wade
Mino Ndowendji Ge Ka
Zhngos, megizi odoodem
Do Not
Do not feel Great Sadness
Do not cry to Excess
I have just gone to another place to visit for a while
A place we have come to know as The Happy Hunting Grounds
To Hunt, to Trap, and To Live as we always have
Now I must go to meet the ancient ones
They are awaiting, they have called
I will only stop momentarily at the North direction
Far beyond those Northern Lights
The Going Home Star will lead the way
I will meet up with the Ancient Ones long since gone
We will have a great feast together
On bountiful servings prepared for us
As colorful Northern Lights Dance About
There will be much laughter as we share many stories
We will then start the climb up the Great Milky Way
Among the vastness of the Starworld
A journey with all My Nishnaabe Relations to
The Promised Land Our People called
The Happy Hunting Grounds
Stewart King